Ezeukwu Anselm Chigozie: Beloved in Christ,kindly peruse/read - TopicsExpress


Ezeukwu Anselm Chigozie: Beloved in Christ,kindly peruse/read the undiluted/raw minutes of the PFN Peace meeting on AG crisis in Benin and avoid being misinformed by anyone. PENTECOSTAL FELLOWSHIP OF NIGERIA ON CONFLICT RESOLUTION IN THE ASSEMBLIES OF GOD NIGERIA HELD ON TUESDAY 5TH AUGUST 2014 @ BEST WESTERN HOMEVILLA HOTEL GRA BENIN CITY 1. Accreditation 1.1 All the members invited from both parties registered their names. The accreditation started at exactly 10am. 1.2 The Chairman, Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude introduced the National PFN representatives and Rev. Dr. Charles Osueke who was specially invited by the National PFN. Those representing the National PFN: a. Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude – National PFN Chairman b. Rev. Dr. Uma Ukpai – National Vice Chairman c. Rev. Meduoye - The General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church of Nigeria d. Rev. Dr. Paul Nwachukwu – Grace of God Missions e. The General Overseer of Gospel Faith Missions 1.3 The Acting General Superintendent of Assemblies of God Nigeria, the Rev. Dr. Chidi Okoroafor was asked by the Chairman, Dr. Felix Omobude to introduce his team. The following were in the team for AG Nigeria: a. Rev. Dr. Chidi Okoroafor – Acting GS b. Rev. Dr. John Ikoni – General Secretary c. Rev. Dr. Vincent Alaje – General Treasurer d. Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim – E.C Member e. Rev. (Dr.) Johnson Odii – E.C Member/Trustee f. Rev. Mishael Ashiele – E.C Member g. Rev. Prince K. Emeaba – EC Member h. Rev. Dr. Friday Amirah – EC Member i. Amb. Barr. P.C. Abuka – Legal Adviser j. Rev. Dr. John K. Amah – MANICUR k. Ambassador Ehobeamen 1.4 The suspended former General Superintendent, the Dr. Paul Emeka was also asked to introduce his team members. The following were with him: a. Barr. Joseph Ajii– Benue b. Barr. Onuoha – Aba c. Barr. Obijuru – Enugu d. Rev. Itoto e. Rev. Paul Nathan-Udeze – Suspended Youth Director f. Pastor Richard Akwa– Dr Paul Emeka’s PA g. Emmanuel Otobo The Chairman Dr. Felix Omobude requested that the Emmanuel Otobo and Pastor Richard Akwa, the PA to Dr Paul Emeka to excuse the house, that their presence was not needed. The request was rebuffed by Dr. Paul Emeka, he insisted that they must be part of the discussion. After much resistance, some members of the PFN requested that he allow them. 2.0 Opening Prayers The General Overseer of the Foursquare Gospel Church of Nigeria offered the opening prayers. 3.0 Welcome Address The Chairman, Dr. Felix Omobude appreciated everyone for honouring the call for this truce meeting. He explained to the house that the Rev. Dr. Charles Osueke and Rev. Dr. Uma Ukpai were specially invited because of their significance in AG Nigeria and the Pentecostal family at large. 4.0 Exhortation The Chairman took the Scriptural reading from Genesis 13:7-8. In his brief exhortation, he remarked that it was Abraham that actually brought Lot on the journey but unfortunately, the man he brought on the journey brought crises into his family. In the crises, Abraham wanted to do nothing but the will of God and so to resolve the crises he told Lot to choose first. He observed that before we became ministers of the Gospel, the Lord saved us and as saved people, we must be ready to give out something. He cautioned that whatever we are about to say today must be in honour of God. We must therefore submit our will to the will of God and allow the words we speak to be seasoned and full of grace. He concluded with this, “a man can receive nothing unless it is given to him by God and we must not forget the labours of our past leaders, AG must not break in our time”. He then requested Rev. Dr. Uma Ukpai to make a closing remark to the exhortation. Dr. Uma Ukpai the remarked as follows: a. We must speak the truth b. We must speak the truth without bitterness c. We must speak with great sense of humility d. As we speak, let us speak as people who are born again. The General Overseer of Foursquare Gospel Church Nigeria offered prayers. 4.0 Observation 4.1 Ambassador Barr. P.C. Abuka observed that since the issue of discussion is still in Court; wouldn’t it be pre-judicial to start discussing settlement when the suits have not been withdrawn? 4.2 Why are the Lawyers of Dr. Paul Emeka who are involved in the litigation present in this peace talk? He observed that we, the AG Nigeria representatives did not come with our Lawyers who are involved in this litigation. 4.3 Arguments were put forth and the house agreed to go ahead with discussion although AG Nigeria Legal Team was absent. 5.0 Discussion The floor was now open for discussion. The Chairman said he was only going to give each side 20mins in summary to present their case. 5.1 AG Nigeria The Rev. Dr. Chidi Okoroafor introduced Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim to speak on behalf of AG Nigeria. In exactly 23mins he told the house the genesis of the problem from the visit of the Ambassadors and the General Committee of 6th March 2014. He remarked that worst things have happened ever since Dr. Paul Emeka was suspended but will not go into all that because of time constraint. 5.2 Dr. Paul Emeka He appreciated the PFN leaders for this call. He however remarked that 20mins was too a small time for him to present his case. The Chairman told him to work within the time frame. He also stated that the issue began with the letter the Ambassadors wrote to the E.C. He dwelt more on the German Church property issue and after 30mins the Chairman stopped him but he pleaded for more time and he spoke for another 15mins at this point the Chairman insisted he must stop. He spoke for a total of 45mins. 5.3 Observations 1. The Chairman apologized to Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim in that he spoke for only 23mins while Emeka spoke for 45mins. He said he never intended to be seen as partial, his apology was accepted. 2. Rev. Dr. Vincent Alaje requested cleared the air on the issue of the purchase of the German Church property: a. It was not meant to be an outright purchase as churches and building overseas are purchased on mortgage. b. The German Church brethren needed an equivalent of Twenty Million (N20m) Naira as down payment to the bank in German to qualify for Mortgage facility. c. The former Retired General Superintendent, Rev. Dr. Charles Osueke had already given them the Twenty Million (N20m) Naira that they requested. d. That Dr. Paul Emeka who just came on board as a new General Superintendent insisted that he will pay cash out rightly. He asked where he was going to get such money, and Emeka told him that he was going to get a loan of Two Hundred Million from the bank. e. Rev. Dr. Vincent Alaje said he advised Dr. Paul Emeka not to start his administration with such a big loan. He also sent his account officers to give him their professional advice which he turned down and went ahead and took the loan. He then sent a memo to the G.S. advising him to discuss the issue first with the EC before proceeding with it. f. Dr. Paul Emeka’s problem started when in Peniel 2012 before hundreds of people, he boasted and make a political point that he single handedly bought the German Church property before the EC could be inaugurated in 2011. Every matured member of AG knew that it is not possible to do that if you are not autocratic. 3. Rev. Dr. Charles Osueke further gave some clarification on the German Church property. 4. Rev. Paul Nwachukwu of Grace of God requested the Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim to differentiate between a G.O and G.S. Rev Pastor Ejikeme Ejim took time to clarify what he meant by the use of those nomenclature. 6.0 Discussion 1. The Rev. Dr. Uma Ukpai observed that the discussion session has been over labored. He stressed that there was need for someone to apologize so that we could make some tangible progress. 2. Foursquare G.O. - Rev. Meduoye He told the house that he and Dr. Paul Emeka are contemporary because they both came into office almost at the same period. He said he read an article published by Dr. Paul Emeka in one of the dailies in 2010 and he was impressed by him and he was looking for an opportunity for them both to connect but was greatly disappointed with the turn of events in Dr Paul Emeka’s life and ministry. He remarked that what AG calls E.C. is what they in Foursquare call National Board. He said he will never take any decision apart from what the majority of the Board members agree upon even if he was not in agreement with them. A situation where Dr Paul Emeka resisted the opinion of 13 out of 15 and 11 out of 15 members was most unfortunate. He remarked that Spiritual Leaders must see themselves as carpets to be treaded upon and not to see themselves as lords and masters. He then insisted that Dr. Paul Emeka should apologize to the church and to the brethren. 3. Gospel Faith Mission G.O He spoke on the good foundation laid by the former leaders like Rev. Dr. Gabriel Oyakhilome, Rev. Dr. Matthew Ezeigbo and Rev. Dr. Charles Osueke. He challenged Dr. Paul Emeka not to destroy the good works of these fathers. He charged him to humble himself, repent and apologize. 4. Other PFN Leaders also lend their voice on the need for Dr. Paul Emeka to apologize. 5. Barr. Obijuru – Counsel to Dr. Paul Emeka As the words kept coming up on the need for apology, Barr Obijuru rose up and pleaded to be forgiven. He told the house that he was the person that actually pushed Dr. Paul Emeka into all the law suits against the church. He said in most cases when Dr. Paul Emeka was not ready he tried to convince him most time up to mid-night. He requested Rev. Dr. Uma Ukpai to pray for him and his wife. 6. Dr. Paul Emeka Dr Paul Emeka told the house that he has not seen any reason and need for any apology from his end. Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude angrily yelled at him, “Emeka so you don’t see any reason why you must apologize, you don’t see the damages you have done to the AG and the body of Christ. You don’t see and hear the cries of many of our fathers?” He pointed at Deacon Ehobeamen of Benin church who came to his house in the night with the wife crying over the situation in AG Nigeria. He then commanded Dr. Paul to apologize to the church. Dr. Paul Emeka then said, “If it’s because all these crises are happening under my regime, I am sorry to the church and body of Christ in Nigeria.” The Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude also requested that he should apologize to his brethren that is the E.C. Members. Dr. Paul Emeka then said, “I can’t apologize to them because, they have hurt me, they wounded me.” Rev. Dr. Omobude insisted that he must apologize to them. At this point he said, “Just so we can work together again, I apologize to them.” 7. The Acting GS – Rev. Dr. Chidi Okoroafor The Chairman requested that he should apologize to Dr. Paul Emeka on behalf of the E.C. The Acting GS said that whatever he would say will be personal, he requested to have a brief meeting with the E.C. Members present and will come up with the E.C’s. corporate statement, the Chairman obliged the request. The E.C. Members present went out and met briefly and came up with the following decision: a. The EC has not offended Dr. Paul Emeka in any way and as such does not have any apology to make to him. Rather the EC will apologise to the church for not stamping feet on ground to stop Emeka on time when we notice his administration, we had hope he will change for the better. b. Dr. Paul Emeka is always flexible in words; the so called apology could change the next moments as such his words can’t be taken serious nor trusted. His apology on the 5th March and reversal few minutes is still very fresh in the memory of every EC member. c. It was not the EC that suspended him, it was the General Committee that suspended him and he should make his apology to them through the EC. It is the General Committee that can reinstate him. d. The EC would not want to lay a precedence that will affect the church tomorrow. A situation when a suspended person will go to court, Police, PFN or even CAN for reinstatement without serving his suspension. e. The EC observed that he has posted on facebook that the PFN was going to re-install him as the GS today. The EC Members mandated the Rev. Pastor Ejikeme Ejim to speak again for the EC. The EC returned to the house and Rev. Ejikeme Ejim presented four points but Rev. Dr. John Amah cut in and mentioned the last point, that “Dr. Paul Emeka has posted on facebook that PFN was going to reinstate him today.” 8. Observations a. The Chairman, explained that PFN never at any time planned to reinstate Dr. Paul Emeka as the GS of AG Nigeria. PFN he further explained is just a fellowship and she has no power over the internal affairs of any member church. b. The Rev. Dr. Charles Osueke appreciated the Chairman for those remarks. Rev. Dr. Osueke said before he started coming for this meeting, he received several phone calls where he was informed that PFN was going to reinstate Dr. Paul Emeka. He told the callers that, PFN doesn’t have such rights and powers over member churches. c. The Rev. Dr. Vincent Alaje appreciated the PFN on their effort in resolving this issue. He told the house that the EC is not folding her hands. That in the EC meeting last week, there were moves to invite our United States AG Leaders and the African AG Leaders in September and also to invite Dr. Paul Emeka in a General Committee where this peace talk will be further discussed within the context of AG constitution. Conclusion: The Rev. Dr. Felix Omobude appreciates all for honouring the invitation. Once again, he advised that all should go and sleep over the issue and that AG should stop disgracing the church in Nigeria, this issue must stop. He told the house that if the EC wants the PFN Leaders to come for the September proposed peace talk meeting, they will oblige. Closing Prayers The Rev. Dr. Paul Nwachukwu of Grace of God Mission offered the closing prayers at 3:05pm. Faithfully Submitted. THANKS AND GOD BLESS.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 14:22:37 +0000

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