FACEBOOK Facebook have made many changes in - TopicsExpress


FACEBOOK Facebook have made many changes in the life of people especially students. Now the situation is that they can live without breathing but cant live without facebook, watsapp etc. Some people are so addicted to facebook that they spent most of time in it. Facebook is a wonderful social networking site and i am not against that. But i will try to point out the problems associated with it. You should not think that i only sees the problems. The vehicle will fail due to its weakest part. Through facebook, old friends can stay in touch eventhough they are far away. They can post there whereabouts so that their friends will know. Also it provides the platform to express ourselves. Everyone wants to project themselves as good in front of others. That why we take good pictures and post in fb walls. Then we will rate ourselves based on the number of likes and comments we got. If the number of like goes up, then it will make us happy otherwise worst, thus we will become vulnerable to others. May be now u will be pointing your fingers at me. yeah, ofcourse i will do a self introspection. I think why i project myself very good in front of others is because there is a deep feeling inside me that i am not good. There are some people who send messages to their friends requesting them to like their profile pictures. i saw some people changing profile pictures atleast thrice in a day. i think they dont love themselves much. may be unsatisfied of themselves. Chatting was another wonderful option in facebook so that we can stay in touch with our old friends. But the amazing thing is that now a days some people chat with person sitting next to him eventhough they know each other. Another wonderful thing is that a boy and girl after chatting for long, but have not met once will be sitting together as friends chatting through their fake ids. Now a days peoples eyes are glued into a 4 inch screen of smart phone always even when they walk through roads,while talking with friends while buying something from market,while talking to parents, while travelling in a bus and may be even in toilets......They are totally unaware of a world around them. What matters them is the world in that 4 inch screen and the digital illusion created by fb and watsapp. some people even chat continuously for hours about things which are utter nonsence or senceless. They just go on chatting unnecessarily just for wasting time. The main problem in chatting is that the words dont carry emotions or u have to type that i am feeling like this or that. But when we talk face to face we can understand the emotion of the other person which makes the talking more healthier. You will be wondering how people could have lived without fb like chatting before the coming of fb. But my opinion is that the golden era of human beings were before the coming of telephones, long before facebook, where people used to send letters to their beloved ones. Those times, people carefully put their love, care through words that touched the heart of other person. But now a days what we send as messages or conversations through telephone just reaches the mind of the people or our beloved ones. They cant reach their heart because the heart stores only less. what we do is that we send quintals of words which the heart is unable to hold passess through mind which are meant to process quintals of words but stores nothing in heart...... Touching mind and touching heart of someone are two different things. Mind is a place where hundreds of people come and go daily making their bussiness. Its a place of hai-hai relation, just a casual relation that we make daily with peoples. we dont carry it with us. Instead the heart is a place where all your memories of your beloved ones are kept , from where all your emotions like love, happiness, caring, fear etc. arises. If u talk to people it should touch their hearts not their minds. If u want to touch the heart of your beloved ones, then write a letter to them with less words put carefully with utmost care. Your words will touch their hearts. they will be scored into their hearts which will not fade away easily. They will keep your letter as a valuble thing of their life. And whenever they will miss u, they will take up the letter once more and will read it. May be i will start writting letters to beloved ones. Some people share posts of some people asking help for the treatment of some deadly desease or like that. It already may have crossed 10,000 shares, but the reality is that not a single person who shared that post have not payed a single penny to that person. Sharing in fb is easy than that. What they thinks is that let that person gets some money because he shared the post. Some people are in utopian state in fb. they go on making dreams of making someone his girlfriend or vice versa. These are the people who fear to talk. I think fb has hooked them more. Otherwise rather than ending up in fb due to fear, they would have tried to overcome their fears by talking to people. I think the world is getting more constricted due to fb with people who want to talk without seeing faces each other, always glued into a 4 inch screen unaware of surroundings. They wont talk to a friend sitting next to them. They will be chatting with an online friend in fb or watsapp. I think technology is making people slaves. Its high time for us to do a self introspection. These are my opinions and u may be agreeing or disagreeing with my viewpoint. You can put your valid comments so that if my viewpoints are wrong then i can make it right.... thanks for reading
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 09:42:04 +0000

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