FARE THEE WELL,@ MR ONYENWOKE CHRISTOPHER (MACKABEE) ):1974-2014... William Shakespeare had in several attempts @ describing death,wrote: Death Is a necessary thing that will come,when it will come-Julius Caesar... At another attempt, Shakespeare wrote yet again: Its like a tale, told by an idiot, full of fury,signifying nothing ..... These immortal verses of Shakespeare illustrated d untimely exit through death of one of my finest friends, Brothers,Comrades,& Confidante, Mr Onyenwoke Christopher aka Mackabee... Born some forty years ago into the Onyenwoke family of the Ogbe-Oru in the Abacheke Community,Egbema Kingdom, Ohaji/Egbema Local Govt, Imo State, Nigeria....Attended School like his Mates did,graduated from the revered Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria..... Through personal efforts, & struggle, the late Mackabee emerged as a Youth President of his Oil-Rich Community, with another feat as the National President of the United Egbema Youth Association in 2008....At his inauguration in 2008,I, Barr Temple Okonji administered Oath to him,having led d highest echelon of Youth Leadership in Imo State through d National Youth Council of Nigeria, Imo State Chapter under Dr Mitchell Ekwegh Pope to this historic ceremony @ the Council Hall of the Ohaji /Egbema Local Govt, Imo State.... In deed,Mackabee was the first Democratically -Elected President of this great Association.....Imo State Youth Leaders still tell the tales of this ceremony, including the sumptuous meals,& entertainment on this day.... Mackabee is a great believer in Goodluck Opiah ,having been the first Donor/Contributor in huge fund to the earliest political aspirations of d Rt Hon Goodluck Nanah Opiah....Yes,Mackass as Opiah fondly called him,enjoyed d benevolence, & generosity of Opiah in appreciation of his rare faith.....Mackabee served Opiah as an Aide throughout his term as the Honourable Speaker, Imo State House of Assembly from 2007-2011.... A great Mobilizer, Mackabee was a Facilitator in the historic 10,000 Youth mobilized in May 03,2011 to protest the reckless cancellation of the results of the Oil Producing Local Govts in 2011....This marked him out for death, destruction, including me,Barr Temple Okonji, & All of Us who championed this resistance against our rights.... The Supplementary Election of May 06,2011 provided the veritable moment for our destructions,but God intervened...The rest,with the tales of political woes,regrets,& grudges live with the very Conspirators in Imo State today... Between April-June 2014,until the assassination of Mackabee, I have dedicated my activities to informing on the gross insecurity in d Oil Producing Communities of Imo State without any interference by the government @ all levels...This state of insecurity appeared instigated by powerful political interests,determined to divide the Oil Producing Communities in order to continuously plunder their wealth in brazen criminality, & dishonesty...But theres God, whose judgement is sure,& certain... And so,on June 29,2014, Mackabee was gunned down by hired,instigated Assailants in his home,@ the Ogbe-Oru, Abacheke, Egbema, Imo State...Its death, too many as the shock,the devastation, & the sense of loss are grudgingly borne....What a cruel world! I reflected wit pains,regrets on our fond memories, especially our last outing @ the Presidential Vila,Abuja in June as the President, & Commander-In-Chief played host to the Host Communities of Oil, & Gas in Nigeria (HOSTCON) over issues on 13% Oil Derivation Fund,Petroleum Industry Bill(PIB),& sundry issues of deprivations of the Oil Producing Communities of Nigeria.... We flew back together with Ur cherished Wife,plus one of Ur Sons called Frank,who exhibited the highest Militancy throughout the duration of the flight till We landed, @ Owerri...Was it designed by FATE to be our very last activities together outside Owerri? Was it a mere a coincidence? Questions,with the puzzle of a no reliable answer.... Mackabee, U were super forthright, humble, & respectful, even acknowledging the strength of the worst political enemies....Even in the pains of our loss of the 2011 election in Imo State, U always spoke on the great qualities of our friends, especially Hon Gideon Meffor ,& several others including Nwokotubo Andrew Vocor,& countless others... Mackabee made me to believe unashamedly in Goodluck Opiah, keeping faith with me in the dark days of our exit from lucrative political power in 2011 as HE Ikedi Godson Ohakim ,& the Rt Hon Goodluck Nanah Opiah fell from political power, amidst great conspiracies from the very trusted Allies,& Friends, & Associates... Mackabee believed in me so much,ensuring my coronation as PRINCE In d Political Kingdom of Goodluck Opiah.....Mackass was never given to grudges,clannishness,& other primordial considerations....You were a true friend; yes a true friend by every measurement... Mackabee, U died to secure the existence of your people who were marked out for complete destruction as revealed by the interim security reports, plus the confessions of the arrested Assailants....Your death was designed by FATE to stem further deaths in droves; U saved ur people in death.... Describing ur death from London, Goodluck Opiah wrote: Its a loss,truly enormous...Am devastated.... Your death was announced to me by Nze Loko Primus (Ur Successor as National President, Egbema Youth) ,confirmed by Prince Marcel Amadioha ,& reconfirmed by Hon Golden Nwokoma.... Its a big shock, especially as We shared Chats an hour before Ur death, where You wrote My Man,how far.... Truly, I was Ur Man,especially as We served Opiah with pride,arrogance,& convictions.... Your death is a challenge on our people to embrace peace, reconciliation, & unconditional forgiveness.......We must resist every act aimed @ revenge because Vengeance Is of Jehovah.... Its my sincerest prayers, & vow to immortalize Your Name if am politically privileged as We designed,& prepared for 2015 together....You made pledges, & vows for my aspirations, but now You are no more....Be assured that I shall raise a Monument in your Name,plus a FOUNDATION Committed to Peace, Security, Reconciliation, Unconditional Forgiveness, & Non-Violence....This shall be my honest contributions to ur immortalization....You shall live forever in our Hearts... We are all Casualties, either as the Bereaved, immediate family, friends, enemies, & foes,& Govt.... My heart bleeds,my tears roll uncontrollably,my agonies grow deeper,my strength wanes,& my pride,& ego devastated,& bruised... May God grant your soul eternal repose in Christs name.... FARE THEE,DEAR FRIEND, BROTHER, CONFIDANTE,& GENERAL... I shall miss You forever, but consoled on d second coming of Jesus Christ.... SAIL ON,WHILE I REMAIN ON GUARD FOR YOU....
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 02:05:36 +0000

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