FG Politicising Insurgency In The North – Wamakko — March - TopicsExpress


FG Politicising Insurgency In The North – Wamakko — March 23, 2014 Sokoto State governor, Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko has accused the federal government of playing politics with the spate insurgency currently ravaging most parts of the north. Presenting his submission at the Northern Governors Symposium organized by the United States Institute For Peace (USIP) in Washington, DC, Wamakko declared that the problem in Nigeria did not build up overnight. “While it is unanimous that the problems in our region did not build overnight and are complex, opinions are however, divided on the commitment of the federal government to bring the insurgency to an end. Its either that the measures put in place (like the state of emergency in the affected states, the enormous number of road blocks within and around these states and the huge expenditure on all these) are not the right ones or as it is to others, the government has politicised the situation ahead of the 2015 elections”. Wamakko observed. The governor further noted that, the refusal of the federal government to heed and act according to the advice of elders and community leaders of the affected zones of the country, as well politicizing its impact was directly responsible for its current worsening condition. Wamakko, who insisted that, threat to peace and stability in Nigeria are no longer news, however, noted that what is of importance is how the Nigerian nation is responding to the threat. “The nation is over heated ahead of the 2015 polls. While the nation is grieving from the blood of the mostly innocent people, political jamborees of some sort are being held in different corners of the land. To any sensible leadership, the wellbeing of the nation should be primary and a paramount. There is no exclusion of the restoration of peace and stability in Nigeria to the success of any activity, including the 2015 polls,” he stated. Lamenting that Nigeria operates on impunity, corruption and disregard for the rule of law, Wamakko cited instances of President Goodluck Jonathan pursuing his political ambition at the cost of protecting lives and properties of the nation’s citizenry. He said, “One cannot also help but to share in the views of those that see politics in the manner this whole issue is being treated; especially the disdain of the leadership in response to the callous attacks leading to wanton loss of life. Only recently, and right on the visit of the President Goodluck Jonathan to Katsina State for political rally, villages in the state were attacked and hundreds of people maimed, and yet the Jamboree continued unabated. This is coming on the heels of another wanton event in Yobe State, involving once again, school children, who were murdered in cold blood”. “The pre-occupation of the government should be to safe guard the life and property of the citizenry; and a government that fails in this regards has no business in leadership. “Part of what the Global humanity should prevail upon the Nigerian government to do is to preoccupy itself with bringing a decisive end to the insurgency in the country which will be a precursor to free and fair elections in Nigeria”. Wamakko observed.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 06:49:57 +0000

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