FIGHTING THE ESTABLISHMENT. Time to go into battle. For the - TopicsExpress


FIGHTING THE ESTABLISHMENT. Time to go into battle. For the most part, I do try my best to be a law abiding citizen of Montgomery, Alabama. As with most governmental agencies there are so many laws governing us that the whole thing can get overwhelming. We have a plethora of laws and/or ordinances that quite frankly, I dont know whod remember them all or even if there are enough people to enforce them. It doesnt stop the law makers from creating even more of them though. Tuesday night the Montgomery City Council and the mayor met for their meeting. A new ordinance was being introduced, one that was supposed to have been voted on at the last council meeting but when it came up the mayor said, Well vote on that at another time. I know this because while I personally couldnt attend, the hubs went to represent us. No time and/or date was given as to when exactly this new ordinance would be voted upon. Well, it came up for a vote this past Tuesday and passed. The Archers were not in attendance because we were unaware this particular ordinance was making its way back to the voting table. The new ordinance places restriction on the number of animals a person can have within their home. This new ordinance will directly effect my household and from the moment the council voted this into law they made this person a law breaker. I wont even try to step back into the confines of this particular ordinance but instead, its time to fight the establishment. Im grateful to the person who has provided me with all the e-mail addresses to everyone involved in this new ordinance, including the mayor. Time for battle! In doing so this reminds me of Norma Ray, Erin Evanovich and even Mrs. Johnson from Harper Valley PTA. I just hope Mayor Strange and the Montgomery City Council remember, they came for me when my e-mails begin to hit their inboxes. Yes, I will begin with an e-mail opposing this new ordinance and explanation as to why they have so many bigger things to worry about. Let me get my video camera ready for all the MPD officers I see breaking the law daily: driving and talking on their cell phone without Bluetooth, running red lights, speeding, etc. Crime is up across the city, all the public schools just went on free breakfast and lunch for every child because theres more than 40% poverty in our area (how embarrassing!). Yes, Im sure there is more that our FINE mayor and city council should be worrying about than what I have living in my house...a house I pay the mortgage on and the property taxes. Dear Mr. Mayor and Montgomery City Council, CLEAN UP YOUR OWN HOUSE BEFORE YOU COME FOR MINE!! https://youtube/watch?v=4ivUOnnstpg
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 10:18:09 +0000

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