FIND, Join and TRAIN; or build your neighborhood American Militia - TopicsExpress


FIND, Join and TRAIN; or build your neighborhood American Militia Freedom Force unit TODAY. Your life and your families lives could depend on it. In Bunkerville Nevada, just a few months ago, the American Militia Freedom Forces saved the lives of HUNDREDS of Americans who were protesting and demonstrating FOR our Ninth and TENTH Amendment Constitutional Laws, against our elected Republican and Democrat Tenth Amendment enemies and their hired fully AUTOMATIC weaponized BLM and DHS thugs and Federal Sniper Teams. Muster your American Militia Freedom Force today for your neighborhood so that you can protect yourselves from our Governments hired thugs and Police. Even the IRS now has fully trained and geared up SWAT Teams so that they can steal the wages, salaries and property of the American Middle Class to pay for their over $18 Trillion in public debt PLUS the additional $117 TRILLION in UNFUNDED liabilities. All of these are the solely the result of disobedience to our Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws by our elected Republican and Democrat usurpers. The Ninth and Tenth Amendment laws were established and ordained on our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Constitution, so that they could not use our own labor to buy elections from the American voting MOB by transferring them to others and to their KRONIES. According to the Preamble We The People ordained and established our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws upon our elected Republican and Democrat enemies and their hired IRS and alphabet soup Federal Agency thugs of criminal constitutional contempt, to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity. There should be an American Militia Freedom Force unit Behind Every Blade of Grass in YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. The IRS henchmen and Federal alphabet soup tyrants and bullies, hired by our elected Republican and Democrat enemies of our Ninth and TENTH Amendment laws, are coming to a town near you. Just like in Bunkerville Nevada a few months ago. This time for YOUR assets. - Capt. Karl
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:16:35 +0000

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