FIREFIGHTERS BEWARE At the National Center for Atmospheric - TopicsExpress


FIREFIGHTERS BEWARE At the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, Al Cooper studies the tiny nuclei around which clouds and raindrops clump. Spreading extra particles into highly humid air can cause bigger drops to accrete and eventually fall as rain. But in skies already lacking moisture, thousands of tons of microscopic particulates dumped behind high-flying air force tankers compete for what little humidity remains, acting as a sponge that completely dries out the air mass – preventing rainfall. Vincent Schaefer, the Naval postgraduate who invented iodine cloud-seeding techniques in 1946, Joseph Moran’s contemporary Meteorology textbook, and ongoing NOAA and NASA atmospheric studies confirm that the only way to form artificial clouds under conditions of relatively low humidity and warmer than super-freezing temperatures is by dispensing additional particles from aircraft. Modelled by Paul Demott at Colorado State University’s Department of Atmospheric Science, the principle factors determining cirrus cloud development are temperature, relative humidity and aerosol size. The last variable is of primary importance. These particulate “aerosols” may be inadvertently or deliberately supplied by high-flying aircraft. The smaller the size of each added nuclei, the faster the rate of artificial cirrus cloud formation. And the worst amplifications of drought. [Chemtrails Confirmed 2010 by William Thomas] Unfortunately for firefighters and the rest of us, unheralded atmospheric-tinkerers are stepping up their climate-modification efforts in a futile attempt to prevent total meltdown in the high Arctic. Deploying newly developed ice-nucleating chemicals to cool large air masses coming in off the Pacific and the southern Gulf Coast – and thereby divert this urgently needed moisture east and north to shield rapidly thinning ice sheets under an artificial cloud layer – USAF Weather Force Specialists also appear to be aiming HAARP at specifically-tuned aerosol filaments to bend an already erratic jetstream toward these same destructive ends. Much to the delight of corporate profiteers and other “disaster capitalists” – but few others – these ongoing efforts are exacerbating long-term drying trends over much of the USA: from parched northern California forests, to the tinder-box regions of New Mexico, Arizona, Texas and Colorado. All the while, a few mad scientists mask their nefarious activities behind the misleading rubric of “contrails,” all-too-convenient “climate change”, and the false debate over geoengineering efforts “to come”. GEOENGINEERING CATASTROPHE OUT OF CLIMATE CHANGE Forget climate change. Like a slowly pulled trigger, climate shift is about to detonate from a convergence of misplaced geoengineering and unstoppable natural feedback processes, shattering our denial and our civilization in a global trainwreck that will dog survivors for thousands of years. We could step back from this incipient blast by curtailing greenhouse emissions now. But in the absence of political leadership, deliberately spreading aerosols in the upper atmosphere to permit petroleum pollution and profits as usual – while the life-giving world ocean turns acidic under a continuing carbon deluge – is not helping. As The Guardian reports, “For the first time in human history, the concentration of climate-warming carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has passed the milestone level of 400 parts per million. The last time so much greenhouse gas was in the air was several million years ago, when the Arctic was ice-free, savannah spread across the Sahara desert and sea level was up to 40 metres higher than today.” Despite current solar trends and “global dimming” from a stew of airborne pollutants contributing to a contrary cooling effect, record-smashing temperatures and extreme weather events continue to top the weather news. Portending even worse, the extreme speed at which CO2 levels are rising – perhaps 75-times faster than in pre-industrial times – are entirely absent from primeval ice core records. “We are creating a prehistoric climate in which human societies will face huge and potentially catastrophic risks,” warns Bob Ward, policy director for Climate Change at the London School of Economics. “Only by urgently reducing global emissions will we be able to avoid the full consequences of turning back the climate clock by 3 million years” – this time with 7 billion human beings in attendance, and an already mind-bending rate of planetary extinctions. [Guardian May 10/13] The consensus of atmospheric scientists worldwide is that 450 ppm of “carbon equivalent” greenhouse gases is the Do-Not-Exceed point to prevent catastrophic warming in this Last Chance Century. Others insist that 350 ppm is a safer limit. Both points are already moot. Adding current levels of nitrous oxide and methane to CO2 releases brings the current total of “carbon equivalent” warming gases to 478 ppm. [Guardian May 14/13] Make that 478 and rising.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 20:59:11 +0000

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