FIRST ALNIGHT AT CATHOLIC ADORATION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT ON SATURDAY, 17TH JANUARY,2015! A NIGHT OF DIVINE EMPOWERMENT! The man of God, Rev. Fr. John Damian Adizie of the Holy Spirit, OCD declared that 2015 is our year of DIVINE EMPOWERMENT. Our empowerment come from CHRIST JESUS alone! The man of God also prophesied that the Catholic Adoration of the Holy Spirit will be empowered by God so as to empower the youth of this Nation. That when we are empowered, we cannot be thinking of Boko-haram, kidnapping, political torgory and this will bring about a blessing to our homes; community; Nation and World at large. We were made to understand that the Word of God is the most powerful instruments he used to create this World. Nature obeyed the Word of God. (John 5) The words of God will manifest in your situations today in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen! Is there any situation in the World the Words of God cannot Change? The spoken Words of God (Mark 2:13-17). He also encouraged us that there is hope for the Children of God that there is hope when you serve Him sincerely. He is the story Changer; that the day you will follow Jesus Christ, what happened to Levi in the scripture will equally happen to YOU (Change). Child of God, the World might tell you it’s all over, but God Almighty is saying to you, it’s not over with YOU. Theres Hope For YOU. Jesus Christ is here to defend you, Jesus Christ is our Advocate, child of God your case file is placed in His table in heaven. He will defend us, Amen! I am here to announce to you that nobody can condemn you, our period of captivity is OVER in Jesus Christ Name Amen! Today, I mark you for divine success, advancement, and divine empowerment; with this New year anointing which is the mark of ownership; that you belongs to Jesus Christ. You are favoured, favour is now our New year name. When you serve Him sincerely he will justify YOU with what the World cannot give you (Grace) Amen! Its was a great opportunity to pray for the entire Nation for peace, progress in this 2015 Nigerias general Election. The peak of the All Night Prayer was the Prayer raised by Rev. Fr. John Damian Adizie for the new Bishop Elect of Uromi Diocese. He also prayed for the success of Uromi Diocese. • The Reverend Father John Damian invited a Man representing CMO, a woman representing CWO and a youth repreenting CYON, in addition an orphan and one of the Mentally challenged patient, to Pray for Gods protection, wisdom and successful Episcopal Ordination and Installation of our Bishop, Bishop elect, Bishop Donatus Aimiosho Ogun, O.S.A. • That God should endow him with His wisdom to lead His flocks; also that he should be the Shepherd after His heart. - A Bishop who will encourage prayers - A Bishop who is like Pope Francis who is always defending the poor in the Society. - A Bishop that speak with the Authority of God, meaning his words will carry fire of God. Finally, through a prophetic utterance Fr. John Damian declared that through this new Bishop and Catholic Adoration of the Holy Spirit, Uromi Diocese will be raised to an International Pilgrimage centre. People will travel from outside Nigeria to seek the face of God in Uromi Diocese. It was indeed a night of prayerful empowerment. A night that marks the beginning of a new and great things, a night we shall live to remember… To God be the glory in Jesus name !
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 08:21:18 +0000

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