FNL Parents Friends Coaches and Players, It seams that some people - TopicsExpress


FNL Parents Friends Coaches and Players, It seams that some people do not understand how team and players on those teams are places. This post is to educate those that are talking some smack and hopefully stop talking behind our backs because at this point Im just tired of the phone calls, of can you believe they said that.... Ya NOT COOL not cool at all. Players selection, is one of the hardest and most time consuming things FNL has to deal with, there will never be a perfect selection as some players have to play with XXX or they cant play. so this is the rule of thumb on player selections: Players are all ranked on a skill set of 1 to 4. A 1 would be a first time ever player. A 4 would be a seasoned play with good skills set. As a coach I get to pick my son and one of his friends, my assistant coach gets to do the same. so Most all coaches pick their son and their sons buddy. This is one of the benefits of coaching a team, every coach has this right, EVERY TEAM HAS THIS RIGHT. Lets say your 4 are all # 4 players, that means you have 4 more spots to fill on your team, Every Team has this has this right, some choise not to use it, Some of the kids that they pick are not 4s they may be a 3 or 2 or a 1. I am going to us my team as a example, my 4 are good, so my other for spots have to be filled with #1 to balance out the team. Know lets look at another scenario, Coach X Get his kid #3 and his buddy is a #1 his assistant coach kids is a #4 and his buddy is #2, so on the draft this team would get #4, #3, #3, #2 or #4,#4, #2, #2. The Number has to come out to 12 for the 4 not picked by the Coach. Now what do we do with the coach that come in and say I dont know anyone and just give me what you give, and Ill take my son. The same point system work here, that is way last season we had next to no Blow Outs. I hope this explains how player and team selection work. and if I hear how my team is stack, I will trade your kids team for my team, and Ill coach that team and your coach can have my team. and at the end of the season we will see how that work out. Mind you your kids have more championships then mine. we have only ever took first place 2 times in all the years we have played if this was unfair do you think I would have more championships??? If you dont like this announced in Public (mind you only the people you talked to will know who Im talking about) , I Suggest you stop talking to all my friends be hind my back, (like it not going to get back to us.....) VERY DISAPPOINTED! Now let shut this book and move on, I have said my peace and I am dun with this subject, if your filling are hurt and you dont want to be friends anymore that on you, Im cool with you, but this talking behind my back is over or our friendship is, You should have thought about how my fillings where going to be hurt by your actions. Friends dont do that.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 20:00:15 +0000

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