• FOLLOW QURAN & BEWARE OF MANY FAKE HADITH • Islam Religion - TopicsExpress


• FOLLOW QURAN & BEWARE OF MANY FAKE HADITH • Islam Religion was fully completed by the Prophet (pbuh) before his death . Quran clearly states this in sura 5;3 "الْيَوْمَ أَكْمَلْتُ لَكُمْ دِينَكُمْ وَأَتْمَمْتُ عَلَيْكُمْ نِعْمَتِي وَرَضِيتُ لَكُمُ الْإِسْلَامَ دِينًا " translation is "This day I have completed (perfected) for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for ...you Islam as religion" , Thus Any efforts made by any scholars later is their own opinion & effort related to cases in their times which may be debatable because they are not prophets & they also have their many differences in between them , but Islam was fully completed by the Prophet as stated in Quran • • Bukhari the famous hadith collector gathered more than 700,000 "hadith " & kept on filtering them until he died & when he died the number of hadith he deemed correct were less than 7000 only , this makes the filtered percentage 1 to 100 & 99 % is fake by testimony of Bukhari himself & maybe if Bukhari lived longer he would have filtered more & the correct percentage would have been less . Also Sahih Muslim has his own version & difference with Bukhari & so Al Kafi & Maga hadith & so on & there is a lot of conflict & debate about the authenticity of many hadith between hadith collectors themselves • The most famous hadith book " Sahih Bukhari & Muslim" has around 3000 hadith only, this makes only ½% of the 700 thousand gathered hadith are thought to be correct. So , if Bukhari & Muslim top hadith scholars who gathered & filtered the hadith admit that more than 99.5 % of the hadith they gathered is untrue & fake & only the filtered ½ % is thought to be correct, then why some people cling strongly to hadith rather than Quran while Quran is the intact integral non debatable book of ALLAH, Quran sura 2;2 "ذَٰلِكَ الْكِتَابُ لَا رَيْبَ ۛ فِيهِ ۛ هُدًى لِّلْمُتَّقِينَ translation is " This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah" • • Also Note that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has prevented writing any hadith & even those who gathered hadith admit & published in their Sahih Muslim book that Prophet has ordered not to write anything after him except Quran , this is hadith ‘ لا تكتبوا عني ومن كتب عني غير القرآن فليمحه” translation is “ Do not write after me & who writes after me anything but Quran , then erase it “ .Also note that hadith gathering & writing has started many years after Prophet death , thus was not reviewed or approved by Prophet , & Khalifa Abu Bakr & Omar strictly prevented in hadith writing & burnt any hadith scraps , & hadith gathering started only after Khalifa Omar death .Moreover, ALLAH in Quran has denounced & rebuked those who believe in any hadith "speech/say/statement " after Quran, sura 7;185 "فَبِأَيِّ حَدِيثٍ بَعْدَهُ يُؤْمِنُونَ translation is "So in what hadith (speech) hereafter will they believe? .". • . Now the Sunnah is not hadith .Hadith is an Arabic word meaning “speech/say/statement".The Sunnah is an Arabic word meaning “the usual regular practices & acts” , so Quran asked us to pray but the act of praying was learnt from Sunnah ,that is from observing the prophet way of praying & describing & recording it , so Sunnah is following the Prophet religious regular act or practice as it was observed & prescribed ,but not a speech or judgment or verdict statement of Prophet . Sunnah which is the prophet regular religious acts & practices were observed & prescribed & written & published as a Sunnah observation prescription so as we can know the worship procedures as prayer , for example. Quran instructed us to duly pray but how many times of pray in a day & steps of prayer & what is said in prayer is a Sunnah taken after Prophet. & no hadith is about it except that the Prophet only said “Pray as you see me pray “ •As said above as per Quran , Religion Islam was fully completed & perfrcted by Prophet Muhammad (saws) & anyone who claims that any Imam or scholar or Ulama or Mujtahidin opinion is an integral part of religion or that Islam is incomplete without them , then he is in a way 1) denying Quran which clearly stated that religion was completed by Prophet 2) accusing the Prophet of delinquency or being short of doing his mission 3) claiming that the Prophet (saws)& Sahaba _who lived before Imams or Mujtahedeen _were short of religious knowledge . • Imam Muhammad Abdu(Egypt 1846-1905) the official top scholar & edict for Sunni Islamic world in his time has clearly explained that any Imam verdict or opinion including himself is merely an advice & an effortl & he always referred to Quran as an ultimate source & regarded hadith very cautiously to assure that it fully complies with QURAN & he found no objection to hadith (speech/statement) that fully complies with Quran judgments & does not override it or change it where these complying hadith can be considered only as a secondary source after Quran • For more Islamic issues referring ultimately to Quran , plz see & subscribe to Islam asrevealed videos on You tube channel youtube/channel/UCdzpMHp5fuT0yHUkb_JC9Eg ......... About Imam Muhammad Abduh britannica/EBchecked/topic/892/Muhammad-Abduh • I hope u got my point.. & may ALLAH guide me & u & everyone to the right path
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 18:54:17 +0000

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