FOLLOWING TALISMANS ARE ALSO AVAILABLE: TALISMAN OF MOON *************** Talism-e-Qamar ************ Rs> 1,100 ******** Talisman Of MOON is Helpful in: *********************** *to welcome good luck warmly. *to make easy your abroad travel. *to protect & strengthen the pregnancy. *to have a chance of happy & in time marriage. *to get a rid of all mental and spiritual diseases. *to stable & regularise the menstruation cycle in women. *to get a very pleasant and successful start of any project. *to get a lot of energy for art,poetry,singing & writing skill. *to get success and much more profit in gardening and agriculture. THE MOON (QUEEN of our Land) the Planet of Emotions,Sentiments & Spirit. MOON is not a Planet in Astronomy.infact,it is just like a reflecter Satellite which revolves arround the Earth and reflect the Sunlight on our Land.But in Astrology,it is considered as a Planet on the basis of its vast influence,deep effectivity and great Lunar pull.all the Planets have their own small and large Moon/Moons except Mercury and Venus.our Earth has only one Moon.our Moon (Chnda Mamu) becomes Exalted at 2 degree of the zodiac sign TAURUS and gets Debilitated at 2 degree of the zodiac sign SCORPIO.The MOON represents water and indicates the water element in general in the Chart (Horoscope) Taurus is a fixed sign with earth element.When water flows through earth it makes the earth fertile.fixed sign indicates Nurturing.Fertile earth nurtures all the Planets and all the Living Organisms.Fixed types are Firm,Stable and Determined about who they are and what they do.Exalted Moon in Taurus brings the best of Lunar Qualities in the person.we seek Balance and Harmony in individual relationships and in our organizations of immediate environment.It gives a strong sense of Form and Beauty,the best of Lunar Qualities It can make us very Romantic and Devotional and are often votaries of the idea that all is Love manifesting the highest qualities of Venus,the ruler of Taurus combined with the highest qualities of Moon.MOON gets debilitated in Scorpio which is a fixed sign but with water element.This is kind of excess water like flood which destroys all the crop.Being fixed sign,the water does not flow.It gets stagnated.In a person this creates excess of unbalanced Lunar Energies of past baggage of Emotions and Feelings.Afflictions to the Moon can show Personality disorders,Difficulties in relating to other people and Emotional Disturbances.It causes Lunacy,as our Language reflects in extreme circumstances specially if it conjuncts with Lunar Nodes (RAHU or KETU) in Scorpio.However,there is an exception.Scorpio being ruled by MARS is also a highly Mystical sign and can be a vessel for strong Psychic Powers,Occult and Mind Sciences.Mind is purely dependent has no real nature of its own.As such,it can function in one of the two ways.It can reflect inner Nature of things or their outer appearance.If there are favorable Jupiter/Venus or Saturn in the Chart,Moon in Scorpio can actually harness the excess water for high Spiritual and Psychic development and is often found in the Charts of highly evolved YOGIS and SPIRITUAL PERSONALITIES. __________________________________________________________________ TALISMAN OF MERCURY ****************** Talism-e-Atarud ************ Rs> 1,400 ******** Talisman Of MERCURY is Helpful in: ************************* *to get fame & popularity in public. *to increase mental ability and capacity. *to run your business rapidly & successfuly. *to achieve knowledge & get skill in any field. *to increase ability of debate and get confidence. *to create and stablish very strong public relations. *to get distinguish success in competition examination. *to impress and win hearts & minds of high grade officers. *to get swift promotion in financial and commercial sectors. *to get sure success in every kind of mental & physical sports. *to get a very prominent place in the world of speech and writing. *to get strong memory & approch to hidden mysterious occult sciences. THE MERCURY (FINANCE MINISTER of our Land) the Planet of Information,Promotion,Skill,Knowlege & Luck. MERCURY signifies on one hand earth element as well as it signifies ether because of its subtle nature.This is the reason why both the own signs are dual sign types- GEMINI and VIRGO.Virgo is also the exalted sign for Mercury as mentioned earlier.The degree of exaltation is 13.Virgo is dual sign type with earth element.Mercury is the great messenger of the Cosmos.He is the planet which represents speech,communication and commerce on all levels.Mercury in Virgo creates the perfect balance between duality and its ethereal qualities and the practicality or solidity of the earth element.Mercury represents intellect,analysis,transaction and exchange.Exalted Mercury establishes our values in life.Material values,prices,standards of measurement and comparison,artistic values as well as spiritual values.Exalted Mercury in Virgo gives great healing power which the person uses to heal and serve mankind.Mercury is debilitated in PISCES at 13 degree which is also dual sign with water element.This water element completely dilutes the analytical intellect of Mercury in a whirlpool of misplaced emotions and impractical ideas.People with debilitated Mercury are not exactly fools but are confused.They are enthusiastic but not always wisely so.Debilitated Mercury can make a person lack in boundaries.They are moved by sentiments which are not genuine and when frustrated can suffer from self pity.They can be amorphous,hard to pin down and often appear in whatever way is necessary to please or placate others or they make commitments without any intention of fulfilling them.They just respond to the influence of the moment. _____________________________________________________________________ TALISMAN OF VENUS **************** Talism-e-Zuhra ************* Rs> 2,400 ******** Talisman Of VENUS is Helpful in: ************************ *to rise & shine with natural beauty. *to get fame,honour,health & peace of mind. *to achieve your love and impress the public. *to get ultimate success in fine arts & showbiz. *to create,stable and expand your source of income. *to have a sure chance of happy & successful marriage. *to get gender dominancy and enjoy private life partnership. *to cure and prevent yourself against physical female diseases. THE VENUS (CHIEF JUSTICE of our Land) the Planet of Love,Beauty,Romance,Marriage & Business. The VENUS signifies water element and Pisces is a dual sign with water element.Unlike,Moon in Scorpio when there is excess water which is stagnated in fixed sign like Scorpio,the excess water element with Venus in Pisces is free flowing in dual sign.Venus in Pisces signifies infinite Love and our infinite appreciation of Beauty and Passion.exalted Venus in our Chart (Horoscope) signifies our aspiration to Beauty and Truth through which we can realize the power of infinite Love beyond our senses and pleasure that is the Love of GOD or Realization of the GOD within ourselves.Venus gets debilitated at 26 degree of the zodiac sign VIRGO which is also dual sign with earth element.This earth element of debilitated Venus limits us to the Pleasure of our senses only.debilitated Venus completely deprives our capacity to feel content and to become happy in makes us vain,superficial and affected and turn us into a machine to seek sensual Pleasure and Luxury.debilitated Venus signifies the pleasure that exhausts and debilitates the self indulgence which can ultimately leads to our destruction. _________________________________________________________________ TALISMAN OF SUN ************** Talism-e-Shams ************ Rs> 1,900 ******** __________________________________________________________________ TALISMAN OF MARS *************** Talism-e-Mireekh ************* Rs> 2,700 ******** __________________________________________________________________ TALISMAN OF SATURN ***************** Talism-e-Zuhal *********** Rs> 4,400 ******** Regards: HUSAM BUTT Astro Consultant Contact: 0345 2228272 Email: husambutt@hotmail facebook/galaxy.husambutt
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 04:58:07 +0000

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