FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 7:30 ALASKA TIME 8:30 AM PST 11:30 - TopicsExpress


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 7:30 ALASKA TIME 8:30 AM PST 11:30 AM EST No. 1 MEDIA CONTACT: Matt Millette 907-775-0749 No. 2 MEDIA CONTACT: Dan Hamm 907-982-4172 No. 3 MEDIA CONTACT: Judy Spady 970-759-3840 Russ Millette, Alaska Republican Gubernatorial Candidate, issued the following press release upon hearing reports of illegal aliens being flown to Alaska and bussed to locations within Alaska. Millette stated, “When I take office I will put State Troopers and the Alaska State Defense Force (if needed) at all Alaska Airports to enforce the laws of Alaska. I will repel this invasion of Alaska by illegal aliens. Troopers will be ordered to intercept all flights with illegal immigrants, prevent de-boarding, refuel the plane, and order it back out of Alaska to its point of origin, home country or wherever it came from (and send the White House the bill). See our State Constitution Article 16 and Article 19. See also the US Constitution Article 1 Sec 8 and Article IV sec. 4. I am absolutely for helping LEGAL immigrants, NOT ILLEGAL aliens. “All of the illegals who already have entered Alaska need to be rounded up and sent back with a 1 way ticket. It is outrageous that this is being allowed. “The President of The US is not enforcing the laws of our nation and is allowing this invasion to proceed without lawful challenge. By doing so he is actually participating in it. The Governor of Alaska must intervene to protect Alaskas people NOW by enforcing Alaska Law. That is his job, to interpose himself between Federal tyranny and the people of the State that he swore to defend. If elected Governor, I WILL!” #30
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 20:03:42 +0000

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