FR. BOB’S BLOTTINGS Powerless to fix. Strong to walk. It’s - TopicsExpress


FR. BOB’S BLOTTINGS Powerless to fix. Strong to walk. It’s Thursday Noon as I write this to you. I have walked among you last night and this morning. I came to fill sandbags and couldn’t. When I asked two residents what I could help them with, they said, “you do the praying, Father!” How true, and I have been praying for you. Everytime I fly up the river to see the devastation creeping our way, at each Mass I have offered since the coming water, during my daily prayers of the Divine Office which at my ordination I promised to pray daily, and during my quiet moments inbetween times, I have been praying for you. I am powerless to stop the water on my own dint of effort, but I can walk with you. I can walk with you because Christ walks among you. He has been walking among you. Jesus wants to be with you in your sorrow and distress, not just the good times. He allows these events to happen because he knows that it can bring souls to himself out of their tepidity and indifference. Those souls that are already near to him, he allows this to happen because it will draw them closer to himself, if they will allow it, to be on this cross with him. NEXT, weekend we have a rare event when a solemnity is celebrated on the Lord’s day. Sunday is always a day of the resurrection and we are celebrating Christ’s victory over sin and death carried out in the lives of these two pillars of the Church, Peter and Paul. “Know that I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 13:10:37 +0000

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