FREE BRADLEY MANNING Saturday July 27 2013 INTERNATIONAL DAY OF ACTION The trial of gay whistleblower Bradley Manning started on June 3rd in Fort Meade, US. Ever since, protests and support have never stopped inside and outside the Court. In particular, Bradley has been celebrated in countless Pride marches internationally. The U.S. government concluded its case against Bradley after providing no real evidence that he had “aided the enemy” by passing documents to WikiLeaks. In response, Bradley’s defense presented four motions to throw out the most serious charges. Although the judge refused to dismiss the aiding the enemy charge yesterday – which carries a sentence of up to life imprisonment – she still could find Manning not guilty. As the judge is expected to pronounce a verdict very shortly, the Bradley Manning Support Network is calling for an international day of action on Saturday July 27. Over 70 supporters packed the courtroom and overflow trailer on July 8, 2013 So far, actions are planned in Australia, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, UK (London, Peterborough...), and a dozen major US cities (Boston, Portland, San Francisco, LA, Washington… MORE TO COME Thanks to international whistleblower Bradley Manning, now we know about: ● the “collateral murder” video of a US helicopter gunship crew killing Iraqi civilians ● The officially sanctioned cover-up of rape and other torture in Iraq and Afghanistan ● US and Yemeni government collusion in bringing drone strikes into Yemen ● The US government attacks on popular government & movements in Haiti and Venezuela ● Corruption by Tunisian dictator Ben Ali, which spurred the 2011 revolution ● Israel consulting with Egypt and the Palestinian Authority before invading Gaza ● ETC Edward Snowden’s exposé of global snooping by the US has caused outrage around the world, as did the US re-routing of Bolivian President Evo Morales’ plane, especially in Latin America. The work of Wikileaks and its founder Julian Assange has been crucial in spreading Bradley Manning’s evidence of governments’ crimes and brutality, and for organizing against US persecution of Edward Snowden. FREE BRADLEY MANNING - DEFEND ALL WHISTLEBLOWERS – ASYLUM FOR ASSANGE AND SNOWDEN! San Francisco Pride: 2000 marched for Bradley Julian Assange and Edward Snowden London Queer Strike contingent Join your nearest protest or organize a solidarity event big or small in your area. Register it on the BMSN website, and let us know about it so we can help publicise. Latest actions here. Other ways to support Bradley ● Attend the trial ● Write to Bradley ● Vote Bradley Manning contingent to SF Pride "Absolutely Fabulous" ● Write to your local press ● Translate this message and/or send to your networks. ● Show the Collateral Murder video at meetings ● Send messages of support to BMSN. (cc [email protected] and we’ll publish on our website.) ● Sign Daniel Ellsberg’s petition and Nobel Prize petition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Payday men’s network [email protected] US:215 848 1120 UK: 020 7267 8698 Queer Strike [email protected] US: 415-626 4114 UK: 020 7482 2496 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change email address / Leave mailing list Powered by YMLP
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 13:20:12 +0000

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