FROM MIRACLES TO DECEPTION “Miracles” provide large amounts - TopicsExpress


FROM MIRACLES TO DECEPTION “Miracles” provide large amounts of leisure time, and instead of working as expected by their Creator (“in the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return”___ Genesis 3:19), the people of the earth search for ways to be free from all labour. “Them,” so “deceived,” live by the “sweat of the faces” of the poor, causing them to grind at the wheel of an economy that feeds the wants and needs of the “deceived.” “Grinding the faces of the poor” as prophesied, is the result of those who believe that their individual and family goals of financial wealth and independence are more important than another’s. The “other beast that came out of the earth like a lamb,” opened up and developed a land where these miracles could be seen (“sign of the beast”) and believed. Millions of people around the world were deceived into believing that the “American Dream” was equally attainable for all. Prophetically, the Statue of Liberty, a figuratively representation of the “image” of the “beast” (a graven image), was constructed and erected in order to entice the “deceived” to sit upon the “beast”; while the “woman” stands upon the “sea,” welcoming the world to come into her bed and enjoy “her fornication” (Revelation 17: 1-5). The giant “image---a women clothed in a robe” holds a torch in her right hand (giving the appearance of righteousness) offering “enlightenment” (“fire come down from heaven”) to the world, and is profoundly represented by the “seven heads,” or seven rays (seven continents of the world) jutting from “her crown.” The chains of her feet, by which she was bound, have been unlocked (Revelation 3: 10), giving her power to do the “miracles in the sight of the beast.” In her left hand she holds a book, symbolising a diary of her unrighteous works (left hand), which she has accomplished and recorded therein. What is written upon the book she holds? Chiselled in Roman numerals in honour of the “first beast” which had a wound by a sword, and did live,” is the celebrated and “worshipped” (holy day) holiday: July 4, 1776. This is the celebrated day this “other beast rose out of the earth with two horns like a lamb,” deceiving them that dwell upon the earth by saying, “Bring us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses” and we will “face” them toward the grinding wheel that feeds “the dragon,” and has given us this great “power.” The “image of the beast” is the illusory belief that all peoples of the earth have the ability to achieve a life of freedom from work, oppression, and sadness under the current economic policies and laws of the United States’ form of democracy. To support the lifestyle of one rich person, at least ninety-nine poor people are needed to fulfil their selfish “Dream.” Food needs to be picked, garbage needs to be removed, hotels need to be staffed, and raw materials need to be produced and turned into the products that the rich use to live their desired “standard of living.” The “deceived of the earth” are convinced that if they are not “worshipping the image” (living this standard of living), then they have not arrived, and they are not successful; therefore, they are not happy. Thus, these are they who are “deceived.” C.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 07:00:26 +0000

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