FROM THE BOOK: RIGHT REASONS TO MARRY A PERSON: Right Reason #1: You are good at working out your differences. Research indicates that one common theme among long-lasting marriages involves an ability to work out conflict. All relationships have conflicts. The couples that can talk out their differences, surmount the conflict, and agree on a compromise last. The partners that trigger anger and resentment in one another or are unable to talk about their differences often cant sustain marriage. Right Reason #2: Sharing common interests. If married couples share common interests, it engenders closeness and mutual experiences. Experts say that couples dont have to share all common interests, but having enough of them encourages spending time together, a key ingredient to a successful marriage. Those commonalities can be as varied as spending time with their children, loving travel, following sports, as long as they both appreciate something together. Right Reason #3: Your partner fills your needs, not your wants Too many people get married for what they want instead of what they need. For example, you read many novels and would love to discuss fiction with your wife or husband, except this genre doesnt interest him. Nonetheless, they have a solid marriage because she needs someone who is reliable, trustworthy, works hard. Marrying someone who meets your needs would enable your marriage to last. Right Reason #4: Your plans for the future line up. Talking about a couples expectations of the future is one of the surest ways of making sure youre both on the same page and share common values that can sustain a marriage. Many couples dont talk about whether they want to have kids, where theyre going to live, whether theyll be a one or two career household. Some people think things will work out magically when they get married, but that wont happen. The more you discuss your common visions for the future, the greater the chances the marriage will last. That will also help you determine if you will need such a person for life as spouse. Right Reason #5: You make each other feel special. One factor in successful marriages is making your partner feel special and worthy, particularly for men. Because the friendships men establish often dont have the depth of womens relationships, men depend more on their spouse to feel special. When women say, I love you, you make my life exciting, or make their mate their favorite dessert, it goes a long way to affirming their mate and contributing to a happy marriage..... The Scribe.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 16:10:12 +0000

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