FROM THE DESK OF OLD SARGE: Do we need anymore evidence that the - TopicsExpress


FROM THE DESK OF OLD SARGE: Do we need anymore evidence that the left has gone quite mad? Now some libs are saying that we should refrain from assigning gender at birth, claiming that we should wait for children to discover their inner selves. The hysteria over the Supremes decision to back the owners of Hobby Lobby goes on, with no lie about what really happened off limits. Go buy something from them, folks, just to show the left that individual rights still triumph over the collective when real justice is applied. The new job figures do not reveal that most of the jobs created in the previous quarter were government or part-time jobs. And surprise, surprise! Once the endless unemployment benefits were cut off, scores of former recipients went out and found jobs. But to the meat of what I want to talk about today. One hundred years ago, the ghastliest war in history swept across Europe and much of the world. Different nations declared war on other nations at different times, so there is really no designated start date for the Great War. When the Archduke Ferdinand and his wife were killed at Sarajevo, most American newspapers didnt even print the story; one more assassination in Europe during turbulent times meant little to most Americans. We were determined to stay out of it, but a few years later, German u-boats were sinking our ships, and the German foreign minister was caught sending a letter to the Mexican government, urging them to ally with Imperial Germany and attack the United States. My point is simple. We have people among the conservative ranks tha want us to simply withdraw from the world, and put our troops along the borders, which is in violation of treaties with Canada and Mexico. If anyone thinks that we can ignore the rest of the world and not be affected, history says you are wrong. Now, on my next point, some are going to call me a racist, but I want you to once again put several thoughts together. Obama clearly shows in both of his books, and through his Justice Department, that he has a grudge against those of us who are of the caucasian persuasion. I am no conspiracy buff, as you know, and the attempt to change the demographics of this country is right out in the open for all to see. The present illegal immigrant flood is an attempt by the Obama cult to begin the process of eliminating the white majority in this country. Its too bad, because in sixty more years, at the present rate, most Americans will be of mixed race anyway. Additionally, Obama wants to broaden the permanent underclass Democrats have created, beginning with FDR. The dependency class will be peppered with people who do not pay heed to this nations founding principles. Well, there it is. Anyone can have at me now in good-mannered, intelligent debate. Conspiracy buffs take a hike. God be with you all in the coming trying days for our nation. Im off to work. - The Sarge
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 14:53:56 +0000

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