FROM THE JUST CONCLUDED PROGRAM KINGDOM RELATIONSHIP HOW TO SUSTAIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP here are some of the outline ELEVEN FACTS ON HOW TO SUSTAIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP 1. You must first love yourself a. You must always be happy with yourself. (When you are happy with yourself, you recognize your inner strength). b. You can’t give love on the outside if you don’t have love on the inside. c. What you feel for yourself is what you reciprocate to others. 2. Accurate definition of who you are, and where you are. a. Every man/woman would always and constantly ride the opposite in a relationship when one of them fails to determine self worth and definition of entering. b. You life becomes what the other person thinks when you employ relationship as a dictionary to define who you are. c. You don’t discover yourself by going into relationship; you discover relationship by knowing yourself (who you are). d. When relationship become a necessity and obsession of determining who you are, you end up in total confusion and destruction of emotion 3. Always present your real you, and not your fake you. a. The love and life we create, is the love and life we live. i.e. your life is as sweet as what you create for yourself. 4. Be confident of what you feel. a. The length of every relationship is determine by the confident you lavish of that relationship 5. Let your sincerity be faultlessly excellent. a. What you always which to see in your relationship, should be what you always act in and out of your relationship. 6. Avoid excessive jealousy, it is a poison. a. When jealousy is excess in a relationship, trust is absent. 7. Optimize every little time spent together positively. a. See each time spent together as a privilege and not a right. 8. Express what you feel and not what you want him/her to hear. a. Every truthful expression will always give birth to faithfulness and submissiveness. b. What you stand for is what your heart goes for. c. Taking responsibility of your emotion and expression is frustration future liability. 9. You must submit in telling your self the truth. a. What you deny your self from hearing is frustrating your self from getting. 10. Map out goals and daily target for each others. a. A goal, a love and a dream will give you total control over your body. 11. Avoid criticism in your conversation a. You are not better than the picture you picture people with b. Your real you is not far from your type of conversation. c. You define people by words, and people will always and also define you with words. FROM THE PASTORS DESK PASTOR DAVID O. O
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 09:11:32 +0000

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