FYI October 12th historical events; In 1492, Christopher - TopicsExpress


FYI October 12th historical events; In 1492, Christopher Columbus reached America, making his first landing in the New World on one of the Bahamas Islands. He thought he had reached India. In 1901, US President, Theodore Roosevelt, renamed the Executive Mansion, The White House. In 1942, US Attorney General Francis Biddle, announced during a Columbus Day celebration at Carnegie Hall in New York that Italian nationals in the US would no longer be considered enemy aliens. In 1968, Equatorial Guinea (Spanish Guinea) declared its independence from Spain. In 1968, Norma Enriqueta Basilio Satelo of Mexico became the 1st woman to light the Olympic flame. In 2003, doctors in Dallas succeeded in separating 2yr old conjoined twins from Egypt. In 2003, Germany won the Womens Soccer World Cup 2-1 over Sweden by a sudden death goal in the 8th minute of overtime. On Oct. 12th 1973, U.S. President, Richard Nixon nominated House Minority Leader, Gerald Ford of Michigan for the vice presidency to replace Spiro Agnew, who had resigned two days earlier. Following the resignation of Nixon on Aug. 9th 1974, Ford became the only man to date to be selected (not elected) to the offices of both VP & President of the US. God can raise you up irrespective of your limitations or lack of natural qualification for certain positions. Its not by your natural might or power but by the Spirit of God - Zech. 4:6. The unqualified David became the giant slayer. The prisoner Joseph became Egypts Prime Minister. A little lads lunch fed over 5000 people - Jn. 6:5-13. Beloved, look to God, not to your ingenuity. Remember that God sees and knows you more than anyone else, so allow Him to favour you and do in your life what no man can do - Jer. 29:11. I see Him open unimaginable doors for you and launch you into a season of uncommon favours. Have a great day. Stay strong. Love ya.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Oct 2013 22:50:32 +0000

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