Facebook Vent Sesh: Get this, I was driving on a one lane rd - TopicsExpress


Facebook Vent Sesh: Get this, I was driving on a one lane rd behind this person who was doing 30-40 on a 50k zone. They indicate left and gradually veer to the left in the parking zone. All goods, theyre prob looking for a house. The lane then splits into two- I indicate left (cause i know Im turning left at the next lights). I then realise a car behind me was also indicating left to overtake me but quickly swerved back in the right hand lane. #impatientmuch. She pulls up next to me at the red lights and is shaking her head. I stop and think- hold up. Nah I aint taking that ish cause I didnt do anything wrong. I then glare at her, she turns her head and stares back at me and says whats your problem. I wind my window down and so does she, I yell out excuse me?! (rhetoric) meanwhile her left hand is fumbling with something in her bag and she then flashes me her police badge! (off duty). She then repeats I said whats your problem? I say,My problem? More like yours! Oh Im sorry, just because youre police you can do whatever you want and drive like an idiot on the road? I did nothing wrong. She yells back you were driving so slow, its dangerous. I say, there was a car in front of me driving slow, you want me to speed and tailgate them instead? She yells back, you were dawdling, if your want to dawdle then drive in the left lane and Im like the lights turned red!!! You want me to run the red light too?! You know what? Youre a hypocrite! And youre also taking advantage of your badge. Youre the one thats impatient. Im not wasting my time on you. (wind my window back up)... Shes still looking at me while Im mouthing not so pretty words cause man I was sooooo angus! Didnt want to do anything stupid. Bish must have had a shitty day to take it out on me. Firstly, the car in front of me was dawdling-not me! And secondly, I did get in the left hand lane when the one lane split into two! ... The red lights turned green and she takes off like an aikae. Karma will take its toll. Dont you worry. What a buzz kill on my way to work tonight! #stupid #authority and their double standards... Bet you she wouldnt have said anything if I was a pensioner. Ok done
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 13:44:39 +0000

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