**Fading relationships.** .-------------------- New - TopicsExpress


**Fading relationships.** .-------------------- New relationships are always joyful. Evrything seems new and wonderful. There are lots of new and exciting things to do and to know about your partner. New meetings,new gifts,romantic date, muvies,dinners and so lots of things that usualy happens in a new relationship. But what if a relationship becomes old. Does all this excitement exists? Does you feel the same butterflies in your stomach which you used to feel years ago whenever your partner used to b around? Do you still have something new to know about that person? Most of the answers of the above question would be a big NO. Its not that we dont love our partner now. We stil love them a lot. We can still go to any extent for their single smile. But its just that we dont feel nessecary to do anything special for them instead of some occations like birthday,anniversary or valentines day. Why does this differences occurs? In the starting of the relationship we always try to do every possible things just to make your partner feel special. We didnt need to wait for any occasion,we just wanted thier smiles evryday. But now we even stopped showing love towards them. Your partners must be waiting everyday just to hear a single I love you from you. But you hardly care to say that. You take them for granted. But why? Your partner is still the same person for whom you were crazy. You did evry possible things to win your partners heart and now when she finally gave you her heart and evrything you wanted, you are least intrested to care for her. You got bored of her presence. You got bored of her love now. Watever she says, or she does, you get bore of that. You got bore of wat she is. But wait. She is the same person whom wanted in your life as your only partner and now you are bored of your partner. You say she is changed,but listen she is still the same but now you are a changed person. Your priority has changed. And the reason behind is that she started loving you from the core of her heart,she cares for you like a mother now,she wants you to stay away from evry evil things. Bcoz she loves you now even more then she loves herself. Yes, time is the best healer of everything. But its also true that in some cases the essense of relationships fades away with time. And if you carry on ignoring your partner always then might be a day wil come when she would be tired of your ignorance and she will decide to move on. She might go away from you forever. In most cases this happens.. You allow your relationship to fade and at d end it may turn in the end of the relationship. A relationship is very sensitive connection between two hearts. Just make this connection grow stronger with time and dont allow it to fade away.. Love is a beautiful feeling. Live and love your partner forever.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 05:47:20 +0000

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