Fantastic read & another piece we have added to our collection of - TopicsExpress


Fantastic read & another piece we have added to our collection of unique vintage equipment (Craig). The Spirit Trumpet BASIC EXPLANATION OF A TRUMPET SEANCE The trumpet séance is a spirit circle consisting of approximately 12 people and a medium or channel with the ability to produce physical phenomena. Physical phenomena mediums are rare because it takes an extraordinary amount of psychic energy and they must vibrate at a higher frequency. The medium goes into a deep trance and channels master teachers, his own personal spirit guides and teachers as well as those of each of the sitters in the circle. The so-called trumpet is simply an aluminum cone, shaped like those orange cones that are used to indicate construction work being done or to block off parking spaces, but in this case, is a lightweight silver-colored aluminum cone. The sitters sit in a semicircle in seats assigned by the medium as suggested to him by his spirit guides during the meditation he performs alone before the sitters arrive. The sitters are arranged in such a way as to balance the energy, as we all transmit different energies. The sitters serve as a battery for the medium to be able to call in the spirits and to achieve the direct voice phenomena and the levitating of the trumpets or cones during the sitting. More information concerning the trumpet séance is given in the various sections that follow. CHANNELING Spirits do not have vocal cords so, in order to speak audibly, they need to use the vocal cords of a medium or channel, speaking through him and using his vocal chords. This is called channeling. In a regular spirit circle or at a private reading with a clairvoyant medium, the medium will go into a trance and have what is called an out-of-body experience or astral projection. Spirit will then inhabit his body and use the mediums vocal cords to speak to the sitter or sitters. THE TRUMPET OR ALUMINUM CONE DIRECT VOICE PHENOMENA With the cone or trumpet, the spirit guides are able to use the cone as a cabinet and produce simulated vocal cords out of a light and moldable substance called ectoplasm, which is a lighter form of protoplasm, that is emanated from the medium as well as from some or all of the sitters during the séance. The aluminum cone also amplifies their voices, so the spirits can speak audibly to everyone in the room through the cone or trumpet. This is called direct voice phenomena. Spirit also uses the ectoplasm to enable them to raise the trumpet off the floor. Because the circle is in complete darkness, the medium usually paints the bottom of the cone or trumpet in fluorescent paint, so the sitters can see the levitation of the cone or trumpet during the séance. There are only a handful of mediums who can do this in the light or a soft, subdued light. Light breaks up the ectoplasm, so most trumpet séances are held in complete darkness. The voices that come through the trumpet can be heard by all of the sitters, so they get to hear, not only the messages directed toward them, but everyone elses messages as well. Often, a message that is delivered to one person contains information that is useful to all. A TYPICAL SPIRIT CIRCLE TRUMPET SÉANCE SESSION A typical spirit circle or trumpet séance session lasts for about two to three hours, depending on the amount of sitters. In the ones I attended, there were usually ten to twelve people invited to attend. The sitters are arranged in a semicircle facing the medium who is seated in a comfortable chair a few feet in front of them, facing the circle. The trumpet, or aluminum cone is placed between the sitters and the medium. The trumpet(s) must not be touched during the circle, except when specifically told it is safe to cup your hands under it to receive your apport after your spirit guide has done whatever he or she does to make it safe. You can touch them before or after the séance, but not during, as they are energized and could cause a shock to the medium or to the sitter. It is neat to see the cones levitate at different heights according to the energy of the spirit who is speaking. As I mentioned in the section about the The Trumpet or Aluminum Cone, a ring of fluorescent paint across the bottom of the cone allows the sitters to see a round light when the trumpet or cone is levitated. It is not necessary to paint the bottom of the cone, but the seance would not be as interesting if we couldnt see the trumpets moving around. At the end, all the guides get together and levitate all the trumpets, swirling them around, in a light show for us, and then when the energy is gone, they crash down to the floor.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:03:37 +0000

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