Far Northeast resident addresses reform and the turnaround - - TopicsExpress


Far Northeast resident addresses reform and the turnaround - You say you’re not a reformer? – Open letter by Earleen Brown, Far Northeast resident, Denver taxpayer and voter You say you are not a reformer; how do you define a reformer? What does a reformer believe or not believe? What does a reformer do or not do? What are the foundational beliefs and values of a reformer and are they in line with the business/corporate-based model or the community-based model for decision-making? “Reform” was said to have been initiated in Far Northeast Denver because of failing schools. DPS decided in 2005 to force ”turnaround” on our communities. In 2009/2010, “status quo” was DPS’ reason (and justification) for “turnaround;” however, now in 2013, “turnaround” has become the reason for “status quo” – failing schools – as predicted by our communities. Questions to you: 1. Have you attended, watched, or listened to any of the many DPS candidate forums for the 2013 election? 2. On what basis have you determined your support for candidates? 3. Specifically to what do you think the minds of the nine candidates are open or closed, and how have you determined such? Please answer this question: If educational opportunities are equal or equitable throughout DPS, why is the yearly “call for quality schools” open only to charter schools and why have most of them opened in the Far Northeast; why were numerous innovation schools approved for the Far Northeast, and why are there not any calls for, or efforts for, equal or equitable investments in improving and building quality traditional schools? Do you not think that the destruction of our traditional neighborhood schools in favor of innovation and charter schools has not been intentional? If not, please explain, in detail, why? People say so much without defining or explaining what they mean. What does “children first” mean and what does it look like to you? Do you think the parents who now have to take their children to schools out of their neighborhoods and communities would agree that the DPS administration, board, and superintendent believe in and practice “children first”? When thousands to millions of dollars are spent on campaigns and not in classrooms, do you think that parents believe that DPS and its supporters actually believe in and practice “children first”? How do you define ”doing the right things for our children in DPS” ? The past and current administrations/boards/reformers have created massive debts; mortgaged an unbelievable number of schools; discarded experienced, older, and Black teachers; disregarded communities; and been unable to “turnaround” the “status quo” – see 2013 TCAP raw data. IT IS TIME FOR A CHANGE, AND CHANGE IS GOING TO COME – for ALL children, not just “our/your” children! The power OF “the people” is more powerful than the people IN power.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:37:26 +0000

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