Fat fool aged 54 , Part 7 ( aka the end in sight ) Monday - TopicsExpress


Fat fool aged 54 , Part 7 ( aka the end in sight ) Monday 21st October Good Morning Nottingham , and what a shock its shit weather for a simalar city Its throwing it down with rain ,its cold and windy i have my first calamity of the day , i decide to do the usual morning with Bazs Vas and then decide i need to rid myself of the Hooters nachos and burger from last night ( maybe too much detail coming up )now , i find it interesting that some wipe back to front and others front to back , i depend on how much room i have and then attack , this morning i went left cheek up and approach from side but this caused chaos as i slid off the bloody pan !!!! not a great sight , Breakfast at Jurys is good and once again its bag packing duty , Amelia has ridded herself of the sound system weve been trudging around and now it just weighs the one ton . Some have bought more luggage than going on holiday, we should have said we are Ryan air , they wouldnt have bought it then We are joined By Gareth Batty today he looks in good shape whereas SAT NAV ALI looks like Nora Batty ( seriously shes worked her nuts off , if she had em ! ) Ali and Emma from PCA work hard and cant beleive how some of the blokes stand back and let em cart bags !!!! We then have a row with a traffic warden who wants to do us for parking , how he expects us to load a van god knows , I convince him just to have a walk around , which fair play to him he did So its off to Trent bridge for the off ! , I drive with SNA to Grace road and just tell her I know the way , Im not 100% but I guess better than she navigates !! It really is awful weather , and we arrive at Leicester well in time to rewrite last nights disaster I am accosted by Harry the Autograph Hunter who is waiting to see Goughy and Fred , hes got a long wait ,they arnt here , but I feel sorry for him and agree to get them to sign the photos he has Team 1 and 3 come in together and seem in good spirits as its the first time weve seen group 3 on the ride since Durham lol Okay, Im ready to go for the 100 mile completion this afternoon , so hopefully complete tonight We have our picture taken by the Leicester mercury and alls good , Im ready to ride to Northampton ,, well at least 17 miles to complete what in my eyes is a target which 6 month ago , I would even fancied in the van !! We go along the country lanes out through blaby which Ive heard of as my uncle lived there but the bloody hills were getting bigger and bigger and to be honest I was knackered ( Ive drunk more this week than I have for ages , and suppose to be in training ) Ratters is leading the group 2 ( no one leaves group 2 , its the most relaxed and fun ) and he keeps driving me on top cog wheel Mitch , low cog Mitch etc ) I turn to colonel and say if he says that agin Im gonna shove the cog straight up his arse !!! ) Im a broken man , the headwind is impossible Ratters decides I need a help up some of these ( bast@@d hills, Ive now lowered to swearing my way round !!! ) so Tres and Hamish Marshall are basically dragging me up Everest !!! Colonel takes over with Ratters and Paul from Huddersfield helping out ( Ive really gone now ) but egged on by the group ( incl people I dont know ) I was never going to fail . We hit a road which has a 7.5 tonne restriction , now we are f@@@@d saysColonel yoos too heavi man to goo up in an accent which resemble the slappers off Geordie Shore and his wonderful humour The plan was Coope to follow in the van and go past when we get to the magic figure ,but I get a nice surprise when Woody whos leading says comon big man MITCHY we done 15 and all I can see is open road , smile !!!! I nearly shat myself with excitement but as in every Mitchell Experiene theres the twist , we turned the corner and it was there , the biggest bloody hill Id attempted in 4 days , boll@cks,boll@cks,boll@cks , I think , not a chance , comon Mitch boy shouts graham Napier who has now become my carer ! You aint stopping now , so we now have a army of pushers to get me up mount snowdon ! My legs have pain in them Ive not experience , my backs in bits and the best bit on me , is my arse ,that is that numb , I could have been rodgered by Ron Jeremy ( please note , this is my attempt at a bit of blue for the dads joke Peter Kay ) I ( should say we ) reached the top and I sounded like an asmatic bull , Hamish smacks me on the back, well done fellow , and then I hear the sound of music Coope and old sat NAV ( whose now got 4 cold sores plus my Zavorax !! Never see that again £6:99 from boots !!!!) are shouting and pipping , Ive done it 100 100 100 , I am first congratulated by Madan the medical man , who im sure is so happy he aint had to treat me , i hear hes had a pony on me at 6/4 to be first man down lol, that infact went to Charles Taverner whos about 7 feet tall and now is ripped all the way down his right side after a nasty fall ) i honestly feel Ive achieved something , there are a few photos , ( interviews with Ron Pickering off we are the champions , Jeff sterling off sky and David Coleman off bbc 1, actually thats a total lie , theres no one there except a dead hedgehog and the remains of a half eaten Big Mac ! ( note ! Northampton appears to have a better class of road kill than Leicester ! ) Thats It Im done , and totally enjoyed it. , ill do a few in London tommorrow to complete but goal reached and thank all you wonderful sponsors for your support . I change and its off to Northants Wantage Road ( sat NAV complains I stink !!! She is a moaner , love her really x , shes reading this so better give her a least 1 credit ) We arrive and I photograph all the groups as they come in , group 3 arrive first in the day light ( new experience lol) and matty Maynard has a pint faster than lightning , but hes done that everywhere lol ( legend !! ) A nice touch by a nearby special needs home have made a banner to welcome home local heroes Lee Daggett and James Middlebrook, All in and safe , we meet with capt mainwaring at 8;30 for a debrief and tommorrows itinery, everyone is happy and excited and Ratters ( wearing a nice little cerise , only men wear pink number ) hands out a few bottles of champers to people who have helped with logistics and all sorts , I receive one but more satisfying Coope does to , who to be fair has been a Trojan with the packing of the van every day ! Ali gets one and so do the 2 medical assistants So off to the bar for a few with Andy Pete Josh and Durhams very own chubby brown Mustard , who has met a mate and takes great pleasure in recycling ( pun there ! ) tales of the 17 miles and how hes s shoved a monster to his goal ! ( with the odd bit of fabrication , but do I give a sh@t ... No I dont cos ........ Hes a great laugh And I B L O O D Y D I D IT xxxx
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 05:52:19 +0000

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