Fat loss and fitness QnA that may help you out: Nia - Does a - TopicsExpress


Fat loss and fitness QnA that may help you out: Nia - Does a person have to reduce or cut out carbs to lose weight? Answer: You do not have to completely cut out carbs to lose weight, but you need to avoid sugar, eat more protein, focus on fiber, and eat healthy fats. Anna - What is best exercise for back rolls and or underneath your underarm chest area- I have broad shoulders as it is and I dont want to look like the hulk this is my biggest challenge - training wise Answer: There are no magic exercises. You must combine a clean diet with total body metabolic resistance training for the perfect 1-2 punch for losing body fat. Debbie - What exercise/workout would you recommend for someone who has a right weak ankle, who is considering doing a 5k/10k this year? I prefer to ride a bike, but am willing to run. Suggestions welcome? Answer: 1 set of going to the doctor and preferably a running specialist. That sounds like a bad idea! And its out of my scope of expertise, sorry! Renee - What is the best exercise for the top of the buttocks/lower back area? Answer: Lying 1-leg hip extensions. Mary - I saw a segment on TV that stated that a womans body shape (apple shape or pear shape) affects the type of diet and exercise a person should do. What are your thoughts? Answer: simple.. thats Ridiculous :) Jessica - What are your recommendations for any types of supplements? Answer: For health: Fish oil, probiotics, maybe vitamin C and Zinc, and melatonin for sleep. For fat loss, a protein supplement might help if youre struggling to get protein in each day.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:37:43 +0000

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