Featured writer of the week: Meet Abey Weitzman! Abey is 11 and is - TopicsExpress


Featured writer of the week: Meet Abey Weitzman! Abey is 11 and is a rising 6th grader. Cerebral Palsy will not deter Abey from writing extraordinary prose and poems. Says Brigit, his intructor, “Abey’s sensitivity for characters, his understanding of the craft, and his mastery of pace coalesce in sharp narratives with deep emotional cores. He embraces critiques and dives into writing exercises and games, using them all to enhance his work. Having Abey in workshop last week raised the bar for everyone. It should also be noted that he is hilarious. In his short story, “The Train to Snowy,” Abey writes: In the early hours it was dim and soft. The wheels rattled rhythmically along the creaky rails of the Pacific line. It was an antique compared to the other trains and that is why Tom chose it as his mode of transportation for this trip. Tom was only in his mid 20s but his ideals would have been more suited to a man decades his senior. He disliked most modern technology and yearned for the times when banking was done in person and he couldn’t always be reached via cellphone. That wasn’t going to matter on this trip as he had closed up the antique shop and shut off his phone. It was going to be the perfect trip, or so he thought. Tom was in a deep sleep when it happened, the rumbling.” Abey shares his writing regularly on his personal blog, abeyschool.blogspot.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 11:43:35 +0000

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