Federal Polytechnic, Ukana. So What? By Nsikak Robert It - TopicsExpress


Federal Polytechnic, Ukana. So What? By Nsikak Robert It nearly happened, so said Senator Ita Enang, That the Federal Polytechnic earmarked for Akwa Ibom State by Federal Government of Nigeria was sited at the Senior Secondary School, Ididep. But nearly does not kill a bird, we all know. And so it was that the institution found itself sited at Ukana, home town of Governor Godswill Akpabio. The new site has generated more than heat. It has generated hate and questions for the distinguished Senator who is seen as the originator of the idea to get the school sited in Akwa Ibom State in the first place, and the ultimate loser of the alleged power play that may have got the school to Ukana, its assumed new site – from constituents and sympathizers who readily believe that their Senator short changed them for a pot of second term porridge. Questions for the Senator who many believe has an ebullient personality, good nature, lucky charm (the Udo Mfoniso mantra) and an intellectual depth which has seen him to a height of influence in legislative business in Nigeria. Not one to be beaten, Senator Enang expressed shock at the turn of event. Though he said he left the matter for prosperity to judge and the unity of the state to enjoy, he, however, showed bitterness that his Ididep site was short changed possibly, and allegedly, during a meeting between Governor Akpabio and the Supervising Minister for Education, Barr. Nyeson Wike. Something akin to a coup. Well, nobody can really say what transpired after the Ididep deal. Many say it was a deal entered into by Senator Enang with members of the committee who came from Abuja to inspect, assess and recommend a proper site for the institution. Senator Enang, not known to be a member of that committee, is said to have taken them round sites. Those who saw them say Senator Enang took them to only two sites-all in Ibiono Ibom, his local government of origin. The two sites, according to the eye witnesses, were the Union Secondary School, Ibiaku and the Presbyterian Senior Science College, Ididep. It still keeps those who listened to his talk about a short change wondering why he felt only existing schools in Ibiono Ibom Local Government could be suitable enough for such an institution. Well, they say he originated the idea. Even at that, must it have been at his door step? I never intend to join those questioning the Senator’s love for his home and hate for the love shown by Governor Akpabio for his own home. The Senator is said to have gone into a deal with the committee members to site the school at Ididop instead of the committee’s preference for the Ibaiku school site. On this score, the Senator had already set a stage to rubbish his openness in the alleged transaction. If that is true, the Senator should not cry foul over the “relocation” to Ukana. I am sure it was to break the deadlock between the committee’s preference and the Senator’s preference that made the approving authority for the siting (I do not know whether it is the minister or the federal executive council or the president) to move it out of the senator’s domain. Some people say it was in the line of zoning that the school was moved to Ikot Ekpene Senatorial District. After-all, according to them, Eket Senatorial District will produce the next Governor. And in our political mathematics, so many things equal a Governor. In this instance, two polytechnics may be equal to a governor. But I comically digress. But seriously, anyone that says the Governor took from Ididep that which rightly belongs to it doesn’t know how government operates. No one person, not even the minister could have taken that decision. The Ididep idea was at best an idea, if there ever was a thing like that. I am sure one of the committee members may have even mentioned the Governor’s name or the Governor’s town’s name. Or do you think President Goodluck Jonathan asked them to site the Federal University at Otuoke his hometown? Or do you think he is the one that sent Gitto to go build the Otuoke Anglican church. No. If you know how we have taken political patronage, even without solicitation, to higher heights, you will understand what I am saying. Do you know how many political groups have chosen Ukana as sites for their educational, health and other social out-reaches without the knowledge of the Governor? Even if the Governor lobbied for the Polytechnic to be sited in his homestead, he has done well given the enormous work of goodwill he has done for the government of President Goodluck Jonathan. I am one of those who feel the money, time and energy he spends in Abuja on sustaining and campaigning for the Federal Government’s Transformation agenda has not been adequately rewarded. If this is one reward – which is rather late in coming then it is good- keeping it in Ukana is a worthy tribute to a supporter of supporters of the president. Another angle is to look at the society we live in. The society is the mirror of our lives. What will the Governor tell Ukana people when he gets back home. Do you know that of all the foundation former Governor Victor Attah laid for the excellent work being done by Governor Akpabio, many still believe he was a non-performer just because he didn’t do a road to his village. They also complain that he didn’t attract any federal presence to his people. So, for Akpabio, it makes sense towards a proper landing next year. Go to Ogharra in Delta State, you will say Governor Akpabio is a saint when it comes to making Ukana a world class village. If all of us in places of authority do as much as to attract facilities to our homes, the whole state will enjoy excellent facilities. There is no village without a prominent person in any organization. I have friends who have lobbied for and got inter-ministerial jobs. The location does not matter to them even when they have a say in its citing. Have we asked ourselves how the NNS Jubilee got sited in Ikot Abasi instead of expanding the Forward Operations Base at Ibaka to cater for the new ship? It is because there was a Rear Admiral (now retired) Dominic Umosen from Ikot Abasi at the Defence Headquarters. You can find out. Why was the Air Force Secondary School sited at Okop Ndua Erong? It is because there was a Chief of Air Staff in the person of Air Marshal Nsikak Eduok at a point. Or do you know that the few top level police officers we have today entered service because there was an Inspector General of Police called Etim Inyang. Some say he came and recruited several teachers and took them into the force as cadet ASPs. The conglomerate built a warehouse in Uyo because there was a Bassey Ndiokho as its Chief Executive. The Ikono( from Nung Udoe Itak) to Ikono(Ibiaku Ntok Okpo) was done by the Niger Delta Development Commission because an Ikono daughter, Elizabeth Emuren, who was a federal permanent secretary, was a board member’ Or do you think the late Brigadier General U. J. Esuere would have made Mobil site their facility in Ibeno if there was an ocean shore line in Eket? Beyond government, our people are in top positions everywhere. They influence sitting of projects. What have they done to make sure those projects are sited here. Our people in the then Cross River State lost the priviledge of hosting Nigeria’s fourth Refinery because of the war of choice between Oron and Calabar as site. Those in Abuja still see us an atomistic society perpetually at war with itself. They keep staying in the wings to take advantage of our fight. This is where I praise Senator Enang for accepting that at the Ukana Federal Polytechnic, not all students, teachers, staff, contractors and suppliers will be from the Great Akpabio family. Afterall, the federal Government has set the tone for this by making the pioneer rector a non-indigene of both Ukana and the state. We should not let the siting of the Federal Polytechnic at Ukana take away the party we should hold for our Governor who has attracted the due attention of Abuja, after the several years of toils and labour for the same Abuja which has sited several institutions and developed infrastructure in areas deep into opposite political valleys with the government. The Federal Polytechnic is ours and only sited in Ukana just like the University of Uyo remain ours even as it is sited in Uyo the same with the Maritime Academy of Nigeria which remains ours even though it is sited at Oron.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 06:08:31 +0000

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