Feeling quite down of late. I dont feel I can enjoy true happiness - TopicsExpress


Feeling quite down of late. I dont feel I can enjoy true happiness at the moment whilst this genocide is going on in Palestine, with innocent men, women, children and babies being cowardly bombed from the sky, with no way of protecting themselves. Sometimes I find myself even feeling guilty for enjoying a laugh or a good night out. The World is turning its back on these poor people, and all the protesting doesnt seem to be doing any good. Its always in the back of my mind whatever I am doing. At least with events going on here there are things we can do, and solutions being offered. But how do you stop a bunch of psychopaths with the biggest military force in the World thousands of miles away? These people dont have time, day by day lives are being lost. Are the protests going to stop anything, is boycotting really going to stop these people in their tracks? What is happening over there is a massive scar on the history of humanity, and I feel we are responsible for it happening by letting these people do what they want for so long. Ive backed off the Reset lately to turn my attention to try and play my part to help here. Im just so frustrated with it all. Apologies for the sombre update but I would love to hear if anyone has any solutions we could start to work on with this.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 23:24:56 +0000

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