Feeling *so* insanely blessed today. Its been a mentally long, - TopicsExpress


Feeling *so* insanely blessed today. Its been a mentally long, tough year for me all around, my life having spun in a million different directions emotionally at every turn as the months flew by. Depression, deep, dark, and menacing swooped in, nearly eating me alive, its evil presence feasting on the last remnants I had of believing in myself as it drenched me in a thick, suffocating layer of fear. Set on gutting me wide open from the inside out, organ by organ, cell by cell, depression and its sidekick, fear, held their malevolent blades to my throat, cackling as they stripped me down to nothing. Getting off on dangling my sanity from a dangerous cliff—my fingers bleeding while I held onto the rocky edge for dear life—the two poisons accomplished what I never thought was possible…they robbed me of trusting my storytelling and writing capabilities. Not that I had much faith in either to begin with, relentless in killing off any sense of self-worth I had in being able to tread the murky waters of this (sometimes) brutal industry, both fear and depression took what little I did possess when I dove into the rough seas of the writing world. Still, between my loving family, loyal friends, and Super-Amazing readers, (
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:29:32 +0000

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