Fellow Citizens, I declared today, Monday August 4, 2014 a - TopicsExpress


Fellow Citizens, I declared today, Monday August 4, 2014 a National Stay at Home Day for Family Reflection, Education and Prayers on the Ebola outbreak. We set out this day because of our conviction that as a nation of families, the family unit is key to our fight against the disease. Families are more concerned about the health of their members than any other unit. So if families get the right information about this disease, if families act with knowledge about this disease, if families take their sick to the hospital, we will kick this disease out of our country in a very short time. As a day of education about Ebola, let every family educate its members about this disease. And let this education continue until we defeat Ebola. We are a nation of prayers, a nation that lifts up its hands to the Almighty to bless our actions, to grant us victory, to give us the strength and wisdom to defeat this disease. Today, I again ask all of us, from all our faiths, to join our hands in prayers, that the sick may be cured, the bereaved comforted and the healthy secured from the ravages of this disease. I ask that we especially pray for our health workers, that the Almighty grant them increased wisdom, protection and perseverance as they serve to save our nation from the disease. As a government, we have scaled down on other work to scale up the fight against this disease. We ask every Sierra Leonean to scale up his and her efforts against Ebola. In this fight every individual counts, for if a single individual, or family, or community or town fails to act, risk is increased for the whole nation. This is why today every informed member of a family must educate every other member of the family. Ebola is real, and we must stop its transmission. There has been more than 140 survivors of the disease. There is hope that early detection of the virus in persons can increase their chances of survival. This is why it is very necessary to get those with the virus to treatment centers not only to prevent others from contracting the virus, but also increase their own chances of survival. This is a collective fight, the very existence of our nation is at stake. We must act, we must pray, we must persevere. Let every informed person pass on the truth about Ebola to others. Ebola is real; let us all work together to defeat it. God Bless Sierra Leone
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 16:16:43 +0000

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