Feng Shui Society 8th Conference 17 & 18 May 2014 We are - TopicsExpress


Feng Shui Society 8th Conference 17 & 18 May 2014 We are delighted to announce the final line up for the conference and workshops taking place in London on 17 & 18 May 2014. As you will see there are varied and interesting presenters for both days and you are urged to book now so that you will be sure of a place. You will also be pleased to see that the conference dinner has also been finalised at the Wallace Collection and you can now also book for this event on line. Below are brief details of the presenters and, full details and booking please follow the link: Conference Booking THE Timeless Home – Alidad (UK) Alidad is marking the publication of his first book “The Timeless Home” by sharing with us his unique aesthetic style, evocative design, and how to create a timeless home. Functionality, proportion and comfort are paramount, but Alidad will also reveal the secrets of the intangible feng shui principles which enhance beauty, harmony and balance. HOW to Feng Shui Your Bedroom (for Love and Health) – Carla Miles-Robinson (UK) Our bedrooms are the most important rooms in our homes, simply because we spend at least one third of our lives there. Come and learn how to optimise, energise, beautify and feng shui your bedrooms for love and health in nine simple steps. You’ll never see your bedroom in the same light again (whether by day or by night). NIDOTHERAPY: The Importance of Harmonious Relationship with the Environment – Peter Tyrer (UK) Nidotherapy is a new mental health treatment. It is actually a ‘proxy-treatment’: rather than treating the patient directly, it works by adjusting the environment to make a better fit for the person. Although other therapies have an environmental component, nidotherapy, named after the Latin ‘nidus’ (‘nest’ – since a nest accommodates to a wide variety of shapes), is the only one that works only on the environment. The psychological component comes with the nidotherapist’s systematic analysis of all aspects of the patient’s environment to make sure the right environmental pathway is chosen. In a randomised trial compared with standard treatment, nidotherapy has been shown to reduce the time those with severe mental illness spend in hospital (Ranger et al, 2009; Tyrer et al, 2012). THE Art of Feng Shui – Jeannie Tower (USA) In these times of information overload, Steve Jobs said “Simplicity is the highest form of sophistication”. Feng shui can get complex and complicated at times but it doesn’t have to be that way. This talk will help you to see feng shui in a new, fresh and crystal clear light. Like art, feng shui works best when it’s clear and simple – but, like art, it can still be profound as it works on many levels. Come and learn how to use feng shui to simplify your life and business, getting the results you want with simple and powerful feng shui solutions. THE way we Decorate our Home is Often a Message from the Subconscious – Elliot Jay Tanzer (USA) In this talk we discover how we can interpret the messages that our homes reveal about our inner lives. The items and images we use to decorate our homes, and their placement, are actually metaphorical “messages” which give deep insights into our emotional issues, our health, and our attitudes to abundance and relationships, among other things. We will examine how an analysis of a home’s imagery can be used for personal growth and self development. “Every Picture Speaks a Thousand Words” – early Emperor of Xia Dynasty, 4,000 BCE. ONE Chart, Many Lives – Ting-Foon Chik (UK) There are many people on this planet whose ‘four pillars’ astrological chart look the same. Do they lead the same lives? What is pre-destined? What are the influences of human decisions and actions? In this presentation there will be a brief introduction to the four pillars of destiny, and a discussion of some of the subtleties that mean people born with the same qi energy pattern in their birth chart can lead different lives. Find out how you can make the most of your future luck. FORM School, Architecture and Feng Shui in China – Jodi Brunner (Australia) Australians love to travel and in order for us to truly understand the roots of this extraordinary art known as feng shui, at some point in our training it is important to actually travel to China ourselves. Doing so allows us to feel the qi of the place, to visualise the locations where our predecessors have planned their feng shui, and to ponder their techniques and choices. The Main Door as the Connection between Internal and External Energies (Qi) – Diane Grobler (South Africa) This is a largely visual presentation on landform feng shui and its influence on homes, apartments and businesses. We focus on the main door to see how it influences the quality of energy (Qi) entering the property, how to successfully collect and use the positive aspects, and how to block what is not beneficial. We explore who will be affected and how. EVERY Home Tells a Story: The Symbolism Found in Landform Feng Shui and Why we are Attracted to the Homes we Choose to Live In – Elliot Jay Tanzer (USA) In this workshop, we explore the actual structure of the home – how it is sited and constructed, the room layout, and compass directions – and how these reflect the personality and personal issues of those who live within. After considering the physical impact of landforms – including excessive wind exposure, proximity to toxic waste dumps etc - much of landform feng shui is predicated on how we respond to the symbolism of certain structural components of the home. Many aspects can affect our unconscious minds, from room configuration to the placement of a bed or desk in relationship to doors and toilets. As with all things, ‘form shapes content’ – with the corollary: by changing the shape, the consciousness of those who reside within will also be forever changed. Feng Shui Water Methods – How to Maximise your Wealth with Water Element This presentation will focus on the use, meaning and symbolism of water element from the most fundamental to the more advanced Xian Tian Hou Tian Water methods to the technically complex systems of Shui Long Fan Gua and Na Jia. The feng shui water method will open your eyes to the vast world and applications of water methods for enhancing your wealth with examples showing the potential positive and adverse effects they can have on a building depending on its facing orientation, main entry and the location of surrounding water ‘mouth qi’. FSS Gala Dinner will be held afterwards 17 May 2014 ( Saturday 6.30pm for 7pm) Reception & Gala Dinner at the Wallace Restaurant, Wallace Collection, Hertford House, Manchester Square, London W1U 3BN - Google Map Price: £45.00 Conference Booking Kind regards Feng Shui Society
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 12:13:34 +0000

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