Few days late on this. Sorry folks! - WW101 Campaign Manager To - TopicsExpress


Few days late on this. Sorry folks! - WW101 Campaign Manager To be sure, I went slightly overboard on graphics in this video. It took 12 hours and 3 minutes for the final render to complete successfully… and that was after it failed – twice. It took from 8pm Friday night to 3am Sunday morning to get it to render. Perhaps my longest render effort to date – including Weather War Big Picture. However, I was trying to clearly illustrate the reality that manufactured weather in this county is entirely systemic, and functions like any other machine. It has input, and it has output, and as you can see from the Northern Vortex Conveyor Belt and Ice Nucleation Field not moving at all over the entire week – in spite of continuous high speed winds – it is in a predetermined and fixed position. Granted the U.S. Weather Machine Grid can be programed / configured for a variety of layouts, but this is the most effective and most common set up I’ve seen. Several of my most recent videos show exactly the same set up in fact, and smart money says I can lay exactly the same graphics overlays on next week’s “Polar Vortex,” and it will still match up perfectly. Mind you, this can only be accomplished with the Networked Grid of 250+ Nexrad Stations in the U.S., and could not – in any way – be accomplished by HAARP. It’s astounding (and in some cases extremely disappointing) that some are still peddling and some are still buying this Pablum, but fair warning… I’m going to put some energy towards decimating that misdirection in the near future. So those still toting that barge, should plan on being embarrassed. Geoengineering is an “In-Place” operation for the most part (as I illustrate in every single video with Water Vapor Generation and Nexrad Control). This HAARP “explanation” (cover story) about bouncing waves all around the planet is both literal and figurative – misdirection. Everyone – should know that by now. They would rather have everyone looking to Alaska, than looking to their local Nexrad stations… wouldn’t they. Meanwhile, although I make great effort to keep my work objectively focused on the reality (since we’ve all learned from experience around here that getting involved in any “activist” soap operas or defending people who are incapable of even understanding what defending themselves means, has proven predominantly fruitless), but “soap opera” is the only thing going on in the activist community – at all. In the week and a half since my Halloween Polar Vortex video I’ve heard almost nothing about that, but am still hearing plenty about the Max Bliss / Dane Wigington saga. I was going to do a video on it, but I changed my mind. This kind of drivel gets too much attention and focus as it is (and none of it has anything to do with the reality of NO NATURAL WEATHER), but I owe it to my own team – to at least briefly comment on it. I’ll start by saying this: I’ve yet to see anything involving this “Shasta” meeting or activism that hasn’t just screamed fraud and charade. How Dane Wigington dominated and dismissed Kim Moore and her efforts at that meeting was textbook and revolting (although again, any further involvement in that soap opera would be fruitless), but on top of that, Dane Wigington has (evidently) gotten Max Bliss’s channel terminated on Copyright infringement – for reposting video, of that Shasta public hearing. I never watched that video (because there couldn’t possibly be any valid or useful information in it for me), but it was clear to me it was charade from the beginning – because of the usual reasons. Every week I put out detailed videos that actually explain global geoengineering in action, and they get no attention, traction, or support from a single one of these “geoengineering activists.” However, when there is some horse manure misdirection and Wigington propaganda they want to distribute, I get the link sent to me from, and see it posted – everywhere. I’ve already explained in detail how this disinformation delivery system works, and it’s all now available on my website as well. That Shasta video was probably reposted 100 times I would think. That’s usually how it goes when they roll out a propaganda piece. They want it – everywhere. Yet for some reason, Dane Wigington filed a copyright violation against Max Bliss for a video Dane didn’t even make himself, and got his channel with some ten million views or something – terminated. None of this has anything do me (or geoengineering for that matter), because Max Bliss doesn’t support my work or this reality any more than Dane Wigington does. However, there are a few simply preposterous things about this soap opera that should give any thinking person pause. - Why would Dane Wigington file copyright violation against Max Bliss (a deliberately harmful act), when Max Bliss is obviously a supporter of Dane Wigington’s non-work – as opposed to asking him to link credit or take it down? - Why would Max Bliss, after having his main channel terminated by Dane Wigington, proceed to post exactly the same meaningless Dane Wigington video on his new channel, although this time evidently with Dane’s permission? - If Dane would give him permission to post it the second time, why has he not retracted his original copyright claim, and restored Max Bliss’s channel? - Why is Max Bliss still supporting someone who got his channel terminated, instead of supporting someone speaking actual geoengineering truth? In any event, see why up until recently I didn’t talk about these people at all? To do so, is just wasting oxygen. It’s all meaningless sideshow, it has nothing to do with reality, and in the end – they are all right back on the same side anyway. After everything that transpired between Dane Wigington, Michael Murphy, and myself, they are right back to communicating and ‘working together’ (evidently), including the Davoud Tohidy (#OpTohidy) fabrication that they were anonymously trying to false-identify – as me. In fact, Dane Wigington still has the Psyop #OpTohidy fabrication article “supposedly about me” posted prominently on geoengineering watch. None of my 100+ detailed geoengineering videos are posted there mind you… just that anonymous character assassination post. He also has his lie of an article that denies the reality of Power Plant WV Generation on geoengineering watch as well. Take a look at this (or any of my videos), and see how preposterous that is. As always, I encourage everyone who is serious about geoengineering and the truth to challenge Dane Wigington to explain himself on both of these blatant lies. I keep saying “evidently” of course, because who knows what is true about any of the puppet theater they present. It’s designed to distract, and it obviously works. The ‘geoengineering activism’ community isn’t talking the reality I present. They are talking sideshow and the BS non-work they present. Final insult to injury of course, is the buffoonery that passes for mainstream media weather coverage. Perhaps it’s wishful thinking on my part, but it seems like even Matt & Co. are starting to look at Al Roker sideways. Maybe there actually is a limit to how many times you can say “Polar Vortex,” Polar Express,” “Polar Invasion,” etc., without anything remotely resembling a coherent explanation, before even the nod-along crew starts to question. “The Polar Vortex Dance?” “This is what’s so great about weather… I mean, everything is interconnected?” “Lake-effect Snow Machine?” I try very hard not to use profanity in my work as well, but with Roko the Clown spewing this kind of liquid feces every single day, it becomes increasingly difficult to express an appropriate level of disgust. Nevertheless, the #Rokerthon charade was “trending” on twitter for the entire 36 hour period. I wonder how that happened (insert sarcasm here). Personally, I could only take ten minutes of Al Roker eating beef jerky and parroting whatever temperature numbers the control room threw on the screen, before it became just too painful to watch. So, like it or not – if you want to talk actual geoengineering reality, a destroyed global climate system, and NO NATURAL WEATHER, there is only one camp to be in… and that’s obviously this one. Again, that has nothing to do with ego… it’s demonstrable fact. If you want to waste your time on petty meaningless misdirection “lawsuits” (like anyone with half a brain thinks you can stop a 100 year-old geoengineering program and global infrastructure that creates the only “climate” there is, with some “chemtrails are illegal” BS approach), or you can learn what is actually happening on the planet you live on – and how it got this way. It’s the only way anyone on this planet is going to be equipped to do anything, about anything. You have to actually know what you are talking about before you can affect any kind of change or solution… and the population at large (including the “geoengineering / climate activism community”) is currently light-years away from that. I offer knowledge and understanding of the global geoengineering system and 100 year history of it that every living thinking human being on this planet needs to have, and they offer mindless misdirection and pointless busywork – to keep you from that all-important knowledge. I hear there is another Shasta charade meeting coming up too. I wonder whose channel Dane Wigington will get terminated for the recording of the three people that will probably show up for that farce – this time. I strongly suggest everyone chose their camp – wisely… assuming you actually care about the planet you live on. - WW101
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:23:33 +0000

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