Fewer moments of silence and more moments of action On the 13th - TopicsExpress


Fewer moments of silence and more moments of action On the 13th observance of the anniversary of 9-11, I was struck by the notion that maybe what this country needs is fewer moments of silence and reflection and more moments of action. The observance of the anniversary of an event in which 3,000 of our fellow citizens were slaughtered by the followers of an evil belief system (not the Moslem religion per se, but its practitioners who believe in cutting off the heads of unbelievers) should, I think, produce a little more anger than it does. Maybe we should spend a little time during the special day watching videos of the Twin Towers collapsing or looking at photos of people leaping from those buildings to escape the flames. Just to keep it all fresh in our minds. This is not, after all, a remembrance of an event such as Pearl Harbor Day, involving people who we have long since made our peace with. We are still involved in a deadly struggle with Moslem jihadists, as can be seen by the president’s recent statements declaring his intent to rub out the evil that is the Islamic State. Whether those words will lead to actions remains to be seen. Light candles and sing songs if you like, if it makes you feel better. I’d much rather see our defense budget increased, with special emphasis on increasing the funding for units whose special task is to hunt down and eradicate the bad guys—every last one of them. I’d much rather see our children taught self-reliance and self-defense so that they won’t become victims of anyone—at least not without a fight. Once we do that then we can set aside some time for moments of silence and reflection. With some special time set aside to honor those men and women of action to whom we owe our freedom and security.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 21:04:19 +0000

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