Fight, Flight or Both – Thinking Ahead of the Curve Why do - TopicsExpress


Fight, Flight or Both – Thinking Ahead of the Curve Why do you think there are so many refugees from distressed countries that have fled to America and other parts of the world? Why the Palestinian, German, Russian, Armenian, Iranian and other previously oppressed peoples’ major diasporas around the globe? Is no one paying any attention? How many of these people left when they saw the proverbial handwriting on the wall? Or were forced to flee after some hellish conflagration where they had barely any means to resist and couldn’t survive any longer? Do people need to be reduced to hand to hand violence before they become aware of their true circumstances and surroundings? I’ve lived in many of these lands and regions of the world and heard their personal family tales first hand and they are sordid. Few fully comprehend the reality of the 10′s of thousands of desaparecidos (disappeared) under Latin American dictatorships, the millions of purged intelligencia and professional classes of Russia, China, and even in little heard of cases like the uprising in Sri Lanka; the horrific tales from Palestine and Armenia and on and on? Don’t you realize most Palestinians don’t live in occupied Palestine any more? They moved out. Few realize this. Those people are not cowards. They were smart and remain very aware and active. “He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day” is an age old adage with a hell of a lot of truth that has saved many lives and kept the revolution alive. Just know your role. If you’re actively engaged in meaningful activities where you are by all means continue the fight, just be prepared for any eventuality. Everyone loses in a war, especially a civil one with maniacal monsters waging war on their own people and pitting them against each other. In this day and age of advanced weaponry of all sorts it’s even more Orwellian. And dangerous. Be smart and know what you’re up against. The U.S. Is Marked for Demolition As the TV host gone ranting truther in the classic film Network said, “We know things are bad, worse than bad. They’re crazy!” That was 40 years ago. It’s incalculable how much this insanity has since escalated in this exponentially accelerating technological and informational environment. It wouldn’t be so bad except for the fact that pathological criminals driven by dark occult forces are at the helm of our current societal apparatus. I dare say none of us can fathom the depth, breadth or sweeping range of the control systems they’ve put in place over the past century. We get but a glimpse into the alien mindset of those who labor continuously to control and harvest the human population and its home. Understanding this reality is not for our discouragement, but for our enlightenment and empowerment. The so-called United States of America with its sordid, hypocritical corporate-military legacy is the manifest capital of the world system, exporting its contaminated culture, twisted history, and false, misdirected science and politics with a relish. Obviously other world illuminist nodes such as the City of London, the Vatican and various other European snake pits in Belgium, France, Switzerland and other slimy retreats are essential and part and parcel to the Medusa’s head of wickedness we’re confronted with. But the United States is the epitome of what we’ve been sold as the ultimate society and which other countries naively admire or try to emulate. “The land of the free, home of the brave”; “free opportunity where anyone can make a fortune or become President”, “defender of democracy and the free world”. The lying Orwellian programming goes on. It’s bogus from the get go but the sorcery of the controllers is strong at this time. As long as the majority swallows it they think they’re winning. The reason they have to work so hard at it is because we are alive, growing and changing and have capabilities they cannot conceive. Trying to put out our lights is like trying to stopping the rain from falling and they know it. But they’re trying. The U.S. is Dead in the Water I’m deliberately painting a bleak picture, because it is bleak. Their intentions are obvious and unfolding before our eyes. To pretend otherwise in some dreamlike state of wishful thinking is akin to blind religious zealotry. We cannot plead ignorance when the hurricane hits and we knew it was coming. Affirmations won’t help much when the paddy wagon to nowhere arrives at your doorstep. The awakened have been seeing the handwriting on the wall for a long time and have made or are making necessary preparations and adjustments. We can’t do much good as rounded up cattle or isolated in some protected fortress in enemy territory wondering when the knock on the door will come. That’s no way to live if you can avoid it. Prepare intelligently. Many feel they don’t have a choice when it comes to moving to somewhere safer. It does take considerable planning and preparation to come up with an alternative situation and that may not be an option for people in difficult situations. But everyone has a choice and the precious freedom to choose, at least for now. The questions arise as to not only what the possibilities are and how much time we have to move about more or less freely, but what are we willing to do? Motivation based on real knowledge is everything. We’re not the only ones seeing this coming. People from all walks of life have been preparing for something drastic for a long time, and as their knowledge and experience increases, their acumen has sharpened as to what their best options might be. It does take exploration, research and serious planning. I lived overseas for over 20 years of my life so it’s not a big leap for me to move to friendlier climes. However, I must admit, disentangling is not the fanciful pick up and leave operation it was in my earlier days. Happily you’ll be thrilled to find out that not everywhere has a metastasizing big brother government that acts like a rabid pit bull trying to eviscerate its own populace–apologies to all pit bulls. There are wonderful alternatives to the American gulag where you can keep the information war alive right on through the storm. “Why Bother? The Clampdown Will Be Worldwide…” I get this argument against leaving the US continually. “What difference does it make, the world system is taking over everywhere.” Many well known alternative media voices champion this theme and actually discourage people from leaving the US gulag. Some of them just happen to be the same voices I don’t trust for other reasons. Sure the NWO plan is centralized world control and the complete overtaking of national sovereignty everywhere. We’ll see if they get that far, but at least for now you can operate outside the gulag without getting pulled over and frisked and/or beaten and things confiscated for no apparent reason, never mind get indefinitely detained. There aren’t cameras at every intersection in less “developed” countries, and GMO infiltration is way less welcome in many cases. You can also escape the radiation contamination and extremely heavy chemtrail spraying and weather manipulation and other toxic experimentation to boot. And I don’t see anyone dropping a nuclear bomb or crippling EMP device on 3rd world nations minding their own business. For example, do you want to live right on an earthquake fault line in a high rise building, or be strategically removed in a one story well built home? My point is, it’s relatively a whole lot freer to live and operate outside of the US and other NATO countries. Not a bad option, especially now when the networking and information sharing takes place primarily in cyberspace. But again, if you’re the most effective where you are then that’s the place to be. Higher Ground The handwriting on the wall isn’t just bathroom graffiti. It’s a message that couldn’t be any clearer or louder. The next round of engineered societal changes will be a drastic curtailment of civil liberties akin to, if not full on, martial law. Following the false flag Boston marathon bombing, Boston voluntarily shut down without any form of public consensus, obeying the “authorities” to stay inside and pretty much stop all of their normal activities while they searched the city. All without a whimper. Purely for their safety and security of course, just as every totalitarian power has taken over. At least in the developing countries of the world people are more connected to the land, are naturally more community minded and family oriented, and sane. Those are factors many don’t know about. If they’ve never experienced the more humble and natural societies on earth they wouldn’t understand. That’s very sad and telling in itself. The world is much more than the materialistic rat race for security most have been led to believe, although the infection has clearly spread. The life most westerners think they’re “entitled” to, as propagated by Hollywood and their ilk, is a complete illusion, temporarily enabled for some on the basis of the soon to implode credit system. It’s nothing more than a house of cards. Epilogue My point here is to consider your options in a realistic light. When the US crumbles, which it will, you want to be where you know you should be as well as prepared as possible physically, and most of all spiritually. That’s the true higher ground. The influences of this current onslaught on society can be overwhelming. So many are battered, bruised and confused yet still feel the urge to maintain some kind of status quo and believe life will go on in this form or something similar indefinitely. Not so. And those who wait to find out that’s the case are the ones that will suffer the most. The awakening is in full swing, at many levels. People are waking up at a massive rate. The wonderful aspect of this time we’re living in is it’s a glorious wind to get our spiritual kites even higher, a storm for us to revel in. We need to see past it first and understand our true perspective, that of our infinite consciousness and higher selves that have no limits or restrictions are here for a purpose. We’re ultimately always free. Our innate unshakeable multi-dimensional liberty is not at stake. It’s not anything that needs to be granted by some usurper. Live free wherever you are, but be prepared for some drastic events. The culmination of their insanity is at the doorstep. Source:
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 04:08:57 +0000

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