Filled Pastry Crescents hit the (Hungarian) Spot Little - TopicsExpress


Filled Pastry Crescents hit the (Hungarian) Spot Little crescents, rich with butter, sweetened with a generous filling of jam and dusted liberally with powdered sugar. These are the cookies made from a Hungarian grandma as I read in the Internet. She called them kifli. I Think they are delicious. I found them in the internet I love the way they look and would taste amazingly wonderful. I hope I would be more apt to call the flaky bites a pastry rather than just a cookie. This Hungarian grandma filled the pastries with a thick plum or prune jam that she called lekvar. It’s not easy to find these days, so I will use a premium apricot jam. It’s important to use a flavorful filling, since the pastry itself is not sweet. The recipe I am sharing with you is one I found in the internet . I am not sure if it is the same as back in Hungary. When I make these I will cheated a little and used my food processor to mix the dough. That can be tricky, because it’s important to be gentle with this pastry dough and not overwork it. My little sweets are probably less flaky than what they would have been if I’d used my own arm-power to mix the dough. Hungarian Jam Crescents make a lovely little gift. They are just right with a cup of tea, or Coffee. But I will try it with a Cup of Cappuccino The Way I like it. Yummy. Thanks to A Hungarian Grandma. :* :* Hungarian Jam Crescents 1 cup butter 3 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 egg 2 egg yolks 1/4 cup cold water 3/4 cup jam Powdered sugar Blend butter, flour and salt. Stir in egg and egg yolks. Mix well. Gradually add water and mix until smooth. Chill for 2 to 3 hours. Divide dough into 4 pieces. Roll out one piece on a lightly floured pastry cloth to about a 12-inch round. Cut through to make 16 wedges. Spread jam on wedges (about 3 tablespoons per rolled round of pastry dough). Roll up each wedge, wide end to pointed end. Place on ungreased (or parchment-lined) baking sheet. Bake in 400-degree oven for about 12 minutes, until light golden brown. Cool completely. Store in airtight container. Dust with powdered sugar before serving. Makes 64. These pastries can be stored in the freezer, in a tightly sealed freezer container, for up to a month.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 21:30:26 +0000

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