Finally I think its all over, I am back on my feet (limited - TopicsExpress


Finally I think its all over, I am back on my feet (limited mobility but mobile) and I am glad this nightmare is OVER! This started the end of June, when I was not feeling well and thought it was just a stomach bug. I felt better, then was struck down with severe pain and knew there was something wrong. I went to quick care on a Friday, spent the entire day having tests done and was diagnosed with a kidney stone that was too large to pass. I was told to go to a urologist, and had to wait until Monday. So spent the weekend in pain and called the urologist on Monday, only to be told I couldnt get in until Wednesday. Spent three more days in pain and went in for appt. and they told me they could not schedule me for surgery, that I should just go to the hospital ER, that I would be taken care of quicker. I said WHAT? OH HELL NO, you schedule me for surgery, I waited a week already. They made calls, moved schedules and scheduled me for surgery for the following Tuesday, so, another week. That day came, and I had the surgery and found out that a stent was put in my kidney. The next day, Wednesday, I was sick, and Thursday I called the Doctors office and asked them about the stent, and if the symptoms I was experiencing were normal...bleeding, spending 40 mintues out of every hour on the toilet, my body trying to expel the stent, burning, pain, etc. The nurse said yes, it was normal. I asked how long I was to have this stent and to be putting up with this nightmare and was told 3 weeks. I said OH HELL NO, I want it out. I researched this medical nightmare and stents stay in for 3 days to a week and not 3 weeks. I was not myself, and by Saturday I was on deaths doorstep. My son had my brother take me to the emergency room where I was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection. I was given antibiotics. On that Monday I called the doctors office and told them what happend, and they were shocked that I actually called the office and talked to their nurse and was told that it was normal stent reaction. They had me come to their office and they examined me and gave me another antibiotic and I asked about the stent removal. I called every day to have it removed. I was flat on my back for three weeks, in pain, bleeding, miserable, and at times I cried and wanted to die. I could not do anything, and things around me were becoming a sad state of affairs. A simple thing like my pool getting dirty and turning stagnant upset me, and the alternative was to drain it and take it down. That was not an option, as I did not want to admit defeat. People treated me like a burden, even my own family. Huffing and puffing when I needed or asked for help. Pawning me off on each other, nobody even bringing me a meal or making sure I even ate. I lost weight. My 14 year old son had the burden of taking care of a house, a pool, and 35 ferrets. Everyone expected him to do so. Not fair. A few days before the stent was removed I realized that I had an umbilical hernia, as a result of the pressure, pushing, and trauma of the infection, and I had to go through hell trying to get a doctor to repair it. I finally got through so much red tape and had the surgery on August 6th. I took care of my house, my kid, my pool, and 29 ferrets (I had adopted a few out before surgery) all after my hernia surgery. One friend didnt even have the decency to call me until 5 days after my surgery. I just wanted to let everyone know what actually happened to me, that everything is fine now, thank you to all that offered to help, and thank you to the very few that actually did help. There were actually a few that only called because they wanted something from me, and didnt even start the conversation with how ya doin. I let them know how I felt about that. The amazing thing about this whole ordeal is that the only person who was there for me, took me to doctors appointments, went to the post office, the bank, and shopping for me and checked up on me was my ex-husband! YES! This is probably why I dont really ever ask for help, except if Im having a fund raiser for the ferrets, like the shoe drive or something like that. Because in the end I dont really need the help. Somehow I do it. I get through it. I get over it. We all have our struggles, our tests, and our obstacles to overcome. It can be done. We just cant ever lose sight of that. :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 04:43:28 +0000

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