Fireflies, why the obsession? Well there are no fireflies on the - TopicsExpress


Fireflies, why the obsession? Well there are no fireflies on the west coast. Fireflies meant a road trip to San Antonio. A visit with family, aunts, and grandpa and both grandmas, cousins. We were poor so it was a campout the entire trip back and forth, never stayed in motels, to expensive. We went many different ways to different state parks. Radio was limited so we sang songs and us kids squabbled a bit. One year my dad got a swamp cooler for the car. It bolted to the passanger door. You filled it water and drovd like hell. Back then the speed limit was posted outside of toens slow to 70. And he would. He would make a turn in the city and yhe cooler would dump water all over my mom. Oh the words we learned. Jer dad was a chief in the navy and she could blast the paint off a battleship. God help if we laughed. One trip my little sister learned what the signal lights meant. She stood on the hump and gave directions when the light would change. Grern go dad. Yellow slow dad, red stop dad. I think he played the lights just to hear her say what to do. Or he knew it drove everyone crazy. He had a sense of humor..
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 23:39:19 +0000

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