First draft. lets see what she sez. I intext referenced it, and - TopicsExpress


First draft. lets see what she sez. I intext referenced it, and fixed alot of the mistakes. The reasons for the wars in the Middle East, is due to the plan to establish a New World Order There are many reasons and theories as to why the wars in the Middle East are occurring, some believe it is due to Western nation’s ambition to control Middle East oil, whilst others believe it is to establish democracy and fight Terrorism. However these reasons are just a smoke screen, for the real agenda in the Middle East is to create a World War, in order to establish the New World Order. What is the New World Order? Here is a quote from former President George Herbert Walker Bush, on the New World Order (NWO) “We have before us the opportunity to forge for ourselves and future generation a New World Order. A world where the rule of law, not the rule of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful, and we will be, we have a real chance at this New World order, an order where a credible United Nations can use its peace keeping role to fulfil the promise of the UN’s founders” (Piotrowkski, 2013). According to this quote, the New World Order is a World filled with law and order with a credible United Nations facilitating this process. The United Nations would play the central role in keeping the world in a state of order. The way the NWO is going to be established is by giving power (credibility) to United Nations. The way the United Nations (UN) was given power in the past, was through the presence of World War Two (WW2). Towards the end of WW2 UN was created so that it could facilitate peace between nations whilst also administrating other global affairs. The UN’s predecessor, was the League of Nations, this was established immediately after World War One, with the same peace keeping role, but it failed because it did not have enough authority (credibility). Each time these World Wars were waged, it has given more and more power to a global governing body like the UN and League of Nations. Therefore in order to create the New World Order more power must be given to the UN by creating another World War. The Middle East has been the target for this plan. The reasons why, is as follows. Those with the ambition to form the NWO, have created World Wars in the past that have given more power to a global government. The Middle East are the target to create a World War, because their religion has the perfect propaganda to wage it. The wars in the Middle East waged by the West has further created an anti-western anti-Israeli mentality that is crucial for creating another World war. All these evidence points to the fact that the people who want to create a New World Order are using the Middle East to create another World War. The Idea of a human being actively pursuing a World War that will no doubt result in the deaths of millions to billions of people, sounds farfetched, but it has happened before. The NWO quote that was used before was from George H.W. Bush. David Rockefeller is another that talks about his motives in giving power to a global governing body (Rockefeller, 2003). Both these men’s fathers were involved with helping the rise and the arming of the Nazi war machine. George H.W. Bush’s father Prescott Bush was one of the director of a private bank named Union Banking Corporation. This bank’s sole purpose was to channel assets such as money and commodities, to the Nazi party’s number one financier Fritz Thysen (Aris, Campbell, 2004). David Rockefeller’s father, John D Rockefeller was the founder and major shareholder of the oil company, Standard Oil. Standard Oil distributed an anti-knocking compound used in both aviation and automobile fuels that was only distributed around the US. Unfortunately In 1935 with great protest from the US government, Standard Oil’s subsidiary company Ethyl Corporation transferred this technology to Nazi Germany (Sutton, 2001). By these families funding and aiding the Nazi war machine, this in turn created a World war, which eventuated in the establishment of the UN. To give more power to the UN to transition the world into a NWO, evidence shows that they are using the same tactic that created the UN. This time instead of Nazi Germany, it is the Middle East. But why the Middle East? The Middle East population that consist of mainly Muslims who practice the religion of Islam. Islam holds the perfect propaganda to create the next World War. The reason for this is due to their prophecies. In one prophecy, that both the Sunni’s and Shia agree upon, is the killing of Jews in the end times (Muslim, 2007). “Coincidently” the Jewish state of Israel was created in Muslim territory straight after World War Two. Currently the UN has not resolved the conflict between Muslims and the Jews of Israel with Israel illegally occupying parts of Syria, and West Bank. The Shiite’s are one sect of Islam, and their prophecies is different Sunni’s but hold far more ambition. It predicts the coming of the Mahdi that would wage war across all corners of the globe spilling blood from east to West (Bakr, 2001). The former President of Iran Mamoud Amadinajad used to pray for the Mahdi’s arrival because he believes the world is coming to the end of times. These theatrics by Iranian leaders to usher in a military leader only serves the purpose of creating a World War. (Stand for Truth!.2011) The last technique used to making a War Machine in the Middle East is through the various wars waged on these countries. These wars such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria, have caused the country’s population to hate the West. In Syria for the past three years, Western nations have been funding the Syrian Opposition in a war against the Syrian government. Western nations have been threatening the Syrian government with regime change, limited strikes, whilst also imposing sanctions. This has caused the supporters of the Syrian government to hate the West. Recently however the ISIL a faction of the Syrian opposition have been taking over large parts of northern Iraq, whilst holding refineries and bases in Syria. Because of ISIL’s advances in Iraq, Western nations have launched airstrikes, taking out these bases and refineries and badly damaging the Syrian Oppositions war campaign. The airstrikes have also targeted other rebel groups besides ISIL and have caused civilian casualties. Because of these actions, the majority of the Syrian opposition leaders have condemned the bombings as an attack on the Syrian Revolution (Karadjis, 2014). At the end of the day, both the Syrian Opposition and the Syrian government supporters have grown to hate the West. This mentality is an essential element to creating a war machine in the Middle East. It is true that the Middle East is a cesspool of terrorist activity and some may argue this is a viable reason to initiate western disciplinary action such as, invasion, occupation, airstrikes, and drone strikes, but the question needs to be asked is, how did these terrorist come to be? During the Carter administration in 1977 US manage to change two countries in the Middle East to highly radicalized Islamic regimes. The Carter administration funded the Mujahedeen (Islamic fighters) to be trained in Pakistan to conquer Afghanistan. These Mujahedeen later became the troublesome Taliban, holding an Al Qaeda ideology and harbouring Osama bin Laden (Rizwan, 2005). In Iran the Carter administration launched a humanitarian crackdown against Iran’s liberal government, causing a revolution which left a political vacuum. This vacuum was quickly taken advantage of by Islamic leaders which created the Islamic Republic of Iran (Perloff, 2009).. Both the Taliban and the Islamic Republic Iran, have been funding terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon Hamas in Gaza and al Qaeda affiliates. All these groups have received World wide support. So why did the Carter administration put Islamic governments into power? According to a Noam Chomsky, the Carter administration was heavily influenced by the Trilateral Commission. Chomsky writes “All of the top positions in the government -- the office of President, Vice-President, and Secretary of State, Defence and Treasury -- are held by members of the Trilateral Commission”. It is no coincidence that the Trilateral Commission was influencing a government that was bent on creating Islamic regimes. This is because the founder of the Trilateral Commission was none other than David Rockefeller (Chomsky, 1981). It is clear that there is a group of influential people working together to create the New World Order, and using world wars to transition to this goal. The Middle East has been the newest target to inspire a World War using various ways such as using Islamic beliefs to create war, putting in Islamic regimes and psychologically programing the population into hating the west. All these methods prove that the reason for the War in the Middle East, is to create a World War that would give more power to the UN and transition the world into the New World Order. References Aris, B. Campbell, D (2004). The Guardian. How Bushs grandfather helped Hitlers rise to power. Retrieved from Website: theguardian/world/2004/sep/25/usa.secondworldwar Bakr, A. (2001).Al Imam al-Mahdi’s Mode of Conduct with Enemies (Dealing with different groups. 2. The People of the Book). Retrieved from Website: Chomsky, N.(1981).Chomsky Info. The Carter Administration: Myth and Reality (Excerpted from Radical Priorities, 1981). Retrieved from Website: Karadjis, M.(2014).Syrian Revolutionary Commentary and Analysis. Syrian Rebels overwhelmingly condemn US bombing as an attack on the revolution. Retrieved from Website: mkaradjis.wordpress/2014/09/25/syrian-rebels-overwhelmingly-condemn-us-bombing-as-an-attack-on-revolution/ Muslim, A.(2006). Sahih Muslim. Kitab al-Fitan wa Ashrat as-Saah, (Book 41, 6985).Dar-us-Salam Publications Inc; Perloff, J.(2009).The New American. Iran and the Shah: What really happened. Retrieved from Website: thenewamerican/culture/history/item/4690-iran-and-the-shah-what-really-happened Piotrowkski, S.(2013 Jan 8). George H.W. Bush New World Order Speech. Retrieved from Website: https://youtube/watch?v=txukr5zgHnw Rizwan, H.(2005). Pakistan And The Emergence Of Islamic Militancy In Afghanistan. Ashgate Publishing. pp. 108–109. Rockefeller, D.(2003). Memoirs. Random House Trade Paperbacks Sutton, A,C.(2001). Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler. Arlington House. Stand for Truth!.(2011 Jun 21). Dr. Ahmadinejad Talks About Imam Mahdi [aj]. Retrieved from Website: https://youtube/watch?v=txxZv9uA6YQ
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 00:03:24 +0000

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