First experience of watching a theatre show in the local cinema - TopicsExpress


First experience of watching a theatre show in the local cinema for me this afternoon: Billy Elliot the Musical had been broadcast live from its 9-year West End home of Londons Victoria Palace Theatre across the UK and around the world (DVD is to go on sale in two months). Ive seen this musical on stage quite a few times, wrote about it (in two languages) in my blog (and beyond) a lot, so it was interesting to make comparisons: it took about 20 minutes to get used to, theatre atmosphere was almost absent, of course (and it means a lot - perhaps, critical lot!) but overall it was not bad at all - the sound was definitely better in comparison with the theatre, close-ups were revealing and interesting but wide shots did suffer as the lighting was rather darkish ... As usual, a young performer of the title role (Elliot Hannah) shined bright - although he presented a rather traditional Billy which is probably a plus for the most audience... An acclaimed leading lady of British musical theatre Ruthie Henshall was very impressive, and all the other actors (including those who sometimes are too enthusiastic for loud emotions and cheap laughs - although, thats probably stems from the populist direction) worked very hard ... A lot (26!) of former Billy Elliots (aged 12-24) appeared on the stage in the Finale - its a pity that the hero of most my texts Olly Taylor could not make it despite initial intentions as he is too far away at the moment; well, let him remain that different (in terms of interpretation of the role) obscure legend (as some devoted fans think) without much videos but with a lot of written evidence... / Прошу прощения у русскоязычных френдов: наверное нет смысла давать перевод о том, что в России практически неизвестно. Впрочем, на всякий случай дам в первом комменте ссылку на свою старую рецензию на русском. Любопытно, что все главные фигуранты этой рецензии ныне мои френды по fb...
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:12:32 +0000

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