First off, Lucifer isnt his name. His actual name is Gadreel. It - TopicsExpress


First off, Lucifer isnt his name. His actual name is Gadreel. It is written GDRHAL. Gadar ha-El. It literally means God the Mason/Builder. GDR = 207 = Light; Lord of the Universe; Crown. Despite the fact that many say Gadreel is a Venusian spirit, his true nature is solar. He does have some Venusian attributes indeed, he does have a connection with that planet, seeing as hes very seductive and smooth-talking, but in possession youll surely notice the unmistakeable solar energy. He is one of the main Architects of the Universe, very benevolent towards humanity (seriously, hell say yes to whatever you ask him and deliver quite quickly, as long as it doesnt interfere with his business) and extremely fond of ascension. He is also the main leader of hell and all the demons. If you want a smooth working with a demon, do a simple summoning of Gadreel first and ask him to bring you the demon of your choice and make it obey your wishes. Gadreel is a shapeshifter, but he does prefer a couple of special shapes. For those that merely start to work with him, he appears as a young boy of about 10 or 12. For those that go beyond that first veil, he starts appearing like a reptilian with an elongated face, having straight V-shaped horns. Another shape he prefers is that of a man cloaked in black and wearing a black hood (this is my favorite, he appears in my dreams like this). Another, special shape he takes on, is that of a dragon. He might also appear as a Seraphim. In possession, hell elevate the hell out of you and, when he leaves, youll start feeling pretty tired, due to his high solar energies. During the possession, you might even find that youre not able to move or walk like a normal human, it will be pretty hard to adjust your body language to your wishes. But this happens in most possessions, not necessarily Gadreels. These effects will fade, in time, as you work with him more often. Step 1: Preparation Before invoking Gadreel, I suggest you do some research on him and learn about his nature, his functions, etc. Koetting calls it preparatory immersion and its usually done before an evocation, but its good in this case as well. For research, Id recommend the MAS books (Trident of Witchcraft) for the most esoteric knowledge about Gadreel/Lucifer. Also, a very good book is the Book of Enoch. For the temple or the room in which youll do it, I suggest you arrange it like this: You should use a circle, not a triangle. But not just any circle. You could use the seal of Gadreel as a circle to sit in: Invoke him and consecrate the circle with his energy. Draw energy from Gadreel, then use an athame to draw an astral double over the seal that will be used as a circle. Well talk about how to use the consecrated circle in the next step. The sigil that you will use to call Gadreel in possession is this one: The Lord of Air comes quickly and, even though this aspect is called The Lord of Air, theres a definite solar essence to it. I know, its weird. Personally, I do not use that sigil anymore for summoning him, I use his Gateway. I would advise against using that, however, at least until you have developed a good relationship with Gadreel. The Gateway is pretty intense and can drive you mad if you dont know how to ground the energies you receive from it. The Gateway can be found in The Red King book, along with the Gateways of the other three Demonic Riders of the Apocalypse. Seriously, do not use them unless you really know what youre doing. Put the sigil of the Lord of Air in the circle, so that youre able to gaze at it without tilting your head. Use an altar with a stand on top (for the sigil) or something. The altar shouldnt be as high as a table. Think waist or solar plexus level, but when siting in the lotus position. Two black candles should be set at the sides of the sigil, which will be your main point of focus. For incense, you can use anything that could be associated with the sun. In front of the sigil, horizontally, you should put your athame. Draw another sigil of the Lord of Air, on a smaller piece of paper. Ill tell you the uses for this one in the next step Tounge. Also, you should keep a bowl in which to burn offerings near the altar. Because you will burn something. And you should also have a pair of scissors on the altar. Step 2: The preparatory invocation Before youll get Gadreel to possess you, you have to invoke him. Sit in the circle that is his seal and begin with a void meditation, to calm your mind and enter into a light trance state. Do not use binaural beats. They do indeed put you in a trance state, but its going to be pretty difficult to shift your state of being if you listen to binaurals. Usually, the transfiguration of the state should happen along with the trance.Feel the seal on which you sit. Visualize it beneath you, glowing with power. Get the feel of the seal, which acts like a portal. Will the energy of the seal into you. Open your eyes and gaze at the sigil of the Lord of Air. Start by whispering his name, Gadreel. Amplify the whisper (dont rush it) until you start saying it out loud. When you get to saying it out loud, start vibrating it. When Gadreel comes you will surely know hes with you. Invoke him until your face turns blue, until you know you cant lose contact, no matter what you do. You can also take the athame and charge the sigil. Now for the next step: Step 3: The possession Once you invoked him and know that you cant lose contact, no matter what, ask him to release for you the energy of the Synchronomicon. The Synchronomicon is his personal name, a name that encompasses all of his names, spoken as one word in the moment. After you ask him this, silently gaze at his sigil. Then, say the following conjuration, which is from the MAS books. Conjuration is very important, as it pushes the right buttons for that entity, you can say it seduces it. Spirits like Gadreel are quite proud of their abilities and attributes, so a conjuration like this is bound to make him respond. The Synchronomicon is also contained in this conjuration: Hail To Gadreel, Lord Witch God Of The Secret Path; Son Of Hecate, Father Of Witchcraft; Lord Of The Ancient Arte Of The Sacred Pact; Through Flesh And Spirit I Call To You Gadreel; With Strength Of Mind And Pure Heart I Call To The Lord; Who Holds All Keys To The Path Through Thaumiels Moon; You Are He From Whose Fiery Breath The Phoenix Doth Rise; In The Many Names Of The Great Horned King; Spoken In One Moment I Open The Synchronomicon; From The Depths Of The Void I Call You Aboen; Rise Up And Come Forth Mighty Winged Serpent Gadreel; Rise To This Work That Is Held In Your Honour This Night. Lylusay Tateros Volt Sids Gadreel! Concentrate on his presence as you say it. Do not talk to yourself, talk to him. A light possession should start to make its way. When this happens, start chanting the Synchronomicon, Aboen. If you properly asked Gadreel to release the energy for you, you should feel an intense burst of power once you start chanting it. Lose your mind while you do it. When the possession starts to get intense, cut a lock of your hair and burn it, still chanting the Synchronomicon. This should boost the possession quite quickly. When it gets even more powerful, use either the athame or a razor blade and make a cut on your elbow, then sprinkle with the blood the second sigil of the Lord of Air that you drew. By this point, you should be pretty possessed. You might start seeing images of a snake, a Horned God, or other appearances of Gadreel. Hes quite the reptilian.When the possession is clear, ask Gadreel to install himself inside you, then tell him the purpose of the possession. Ask him to fulfill that purpose, for your spiritual ascent in his name. He wont resist saying yes, especially if the purpose is honestly for spiritual ascent. For those a little more advanced and who want to call Gadreel in his highest aspect, you can use this seal: Beware though, this sigil is extremely powerful. It opens a gate inside your soul that will connect you to Gadreel in the deepest way. Do not use this unless you really know what youre doing. Again, this isnt for beginners.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 08:14:08 +0000

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