Firstly let me say I know that there are a lot of perfectly - TopicsExpress


Firstly let me say I know that there are a lot of perfectly reasonable Yes supporters (many of my friends are). But today I saw a truly ugly side to the campaign. Today I have been called a paedophile, a child molester, a fascist, scum, a traitor and i have been told that I am not a real Scot. Now I like to try and take a light hearted approach to the referendum but what I saw today was unacceptable and frankly disgusting. By calling people who disagree with you these names you do not merely offend them, you belittle these crimes which are very serious. (How would a victim of these crimes feel to be called these names?). Personally I felt unsafe, which I dont feel often. While the No campaign is accused of scaremongering I definitely felt there were attempts to intimate the No supporters today. But these tactics dont work. In fact it prompted me to put on a No thanks sticker to prove it. I was also disappointed that the Yes organisers didnt try to calm things down and at times seemed to fuel it. I realise that not everyone is like this; but when you have key figures talking about having a day of retribution on the people and companies that dont agree with them, you cannpt just brush it off as an extreme fringe. These us and them attitudes harm Scotland as a whole because after the referendum we will have to live together and work for a better Scotland no matter the result. Today made me angry and I worry for what will happen after the referendum, no matter the result. Anyway I had to get that off my chest.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 19:56:28 +0000

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