Fitna mongers and their role in disrupting the relationship - TopicsExpress


Fitna mongers and their role in disrupting the relationship between Ahlebayt(ra) and Sahaba(ra) part 1 As Islam started growing rapidly and Muslims dominated the Arabian peninsula and its neighboring countries, which even gave raise some fitna mongers some of whom were jews, who nurtured an intense rage in their heart against Islam which had squelched the Jewish domination and over – lordship of the Arabs of Madina and Hijaz. When they found that they were a no match against the Muslims, they planned to attack Islam from Inside. So they donned the guise of Islam and entered the Muslim community to lead the Muslims astray and dissuade them from the obedience of their Imams and to sow dissension among them. The main purpose of the unconscionable efforts of the fitna mongers was to knock the unity of the Muslims into a cocked hat, to generate discord, to introduce changes into the inviolate pattern of divine revelation and to inject un-Islamic beliefs into the minds of ignorant and half-witted people. They even knew that it was not easy to do so, thus in order to achieve their satanic goals, they planned to utilize the emotional feeling of innocent people, thus they choose to take name of Ahlebayt(calling those beliefs as teachings of ahlebayt) in order to spread their un-Islamic rather satanic beliefs among the half-witted people. Because we know that often when the smugglers and robbers are caught they try to link themselves to high ranking government officials like ministers(though the ministers may never have any link with these people), So that they can get away easily. Another example can be given that a product for example wine can easily be sold in a bottle labeled as “honey” Or Labeling it as “Apple juice” as we even see in advertisements. This was the reason the fitna mongers choose to label their un-islamic teachings as the teachings of Ahlebayt , since the muslims of that time immensely loved the Ahlebayt of Prophet(Saw). Therefore it seems quite in order to give an objective account of the flagitious efforts of the fitna mongers, to whom we are going to call as “SHIAN E DAJJAL” in this post because such people who propagates hatred and enmity towards Muslims of first generation who were regarded as the best people, cannot be linked to any noble personality. And the discussion that follows will be basically related to fitna mongers(shian e dajjal), their signs, their role in disrupting the relations between Ahlebayt and Sahaba, How did Ahlebayt deal with them and some of the unislamic beliefs they linked to Ahlebayt. Signs of Shian e dajjal: FIRST SIGN: Shia scholar At-Tusi reported in “Ikhtiyar marifatu Rijal” (1/336) that Imam Ali ibn Husayn (rahimahullah) said: ان اليهود أحبوا عزيزا حتى قالوا فيه ما قالوا فلا عزيز منهم ولاهم من عزيز، وأن النصارى أحبوا عيسى حتى قالوا فيه ما قالوا، فلا عيسى منهم ولاهم من عيسى. وانا على سنة من ذلك ان قوما من شيعتنا سيحبونا حتى يقولوا فينا ما قالت اليهود في عزيز، وما قالت النصارى في عيسى بن مريم، فلاهم منا ولا نحن منهم Jews loved Uzayr so much, that they said regarding him what they said. And Uzayr wasn’t from them neither they were from Uzayr. And christians loved Isa so much, that they said regarding him what they said. And Isa wasn’t from them, neither they were from Isa. And I am on the way from that (way). Group of our shias love us so much, that they said regarding us the same what jews said regarding Uzayr and christians regarding Isa. And they are not from us, and we are not from them.[Ikhtiyar marifatu Rijal” (1/336)] Comment: This narration shows that there will be a group whose relation with Ahlebayt will be like that of Isa with Christians and Uzayr with Jews. Because no matter if the Christians may claim that they are the true lovers of Isa(as) and they follow him, but as we know they don’t have any relation with Isa(as) similarly the shian e dajjal will even claim to love Ahlebayt in an exaggerated manner, but they don’t have any relation with Ahlebayt. Similar report is also mentioned in sunni books, Imaam Ahmad bin ‘Amroo bin Abee ‘Aasim said in “as-Sunnah” (2/476):We were informed by Aboo Bakr ibn Abee Shaybah who was informed from Wakee’ from Shu’bah from Abee at-Tiyaah from Abee as-Suwaar al-‘Adawee who said: ‘Alee-may Allah be pleased with him-said: “A group of people will love me to the extent that they will enter the hellfire because of me, and there will be another group of people who will hate me to the point that they will enter the hellfire because of their hatred towards me.” This narrative is saheeh based on the criteria of the two shaykhs: Bukhaaree & Muslim. [“as-Sunnah” (2/476)] Comment: So we find that there will be a group of shian e dajjal which will exaggerate in love for hz ali(ra), but they will enter hell fire. SECOND AND THIRD SIGN: Now lets see what is another sign of such people. قال اجتمع عند علي رضي الله عنه جاثليتو النصارى و رأس الجالوت كبير علماء اليهود فقال الرأس: تجادلون على كم افترقت اليهود؟ قال: على إحدى و سبعين فرقة. فقال علي عليه السلام “لتفترقن هذه الأمة على مثل ذلك، و أضلها فرقة و شرها: الداعية إلينا! أهل البيت آية ذلك أنهم يشتمون أبا بكر و عمر رضي الله عنهما “Ibn Battah reported in his al-Ibaanah al Kubraa, in the chapter: Mentioning the sections of the Nations in their religion and upon how many sects will the Ummah split into, from the Hadeeth of Abee ‘Alee bin Ismaa’eel bin al-Abbaas al-Warraaq who said: al-Hassan bin Muhammad bin as-Sabaah az-Za’faraanee narrated to me that Shabbaabah said, that Sawaadah bin Salamah said that ‘Abdullaah bin Qays(ra) said: “A group of Christians came to ‘Alee (ra) and at the head of them was a major scholar of the Jews. So the leader said: “You debate about how many groups the Jews split into?” He said: “Into seventy one sects”. And ‘Alee(ra) said: “And this Ummah will split into similar to that, and the most deviated and evil sect of them: the ones who call to us (Ahlul Bayt), and a sign of them is that they insult Aboo Bakr(ra) and ‘Umar(ra)” [Al Ibanah tul Kubra chapter “(1\1229 #254)] Comment: When we reconcile this narration with the above narrations then the conclusion will be that, the signs of the most deviated groups are i) they exaggerate in loving ahlebayt, ii) they will call people towards Ahlebayt. iii) They will insult abubakar(ra) and umar(ra). FOURTH SIGN: Let us see what has nahjul balagha has to say on this: Nahjul Balagha, one of the most revered books of the Shia, Ali (رضّى الله عنه) said in Sermon 126:“With regard to me, two categories of people will be ruined, namely he who loves me too much and the love takes him away from rightfulness, and he who hates me too much and the hatred takes him away from rightfulness. The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority of Muslims because Allah’s hand of protection is on keeping unity. You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is a prey to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is a prey to the wolf. Beware! Whoever calls to this course [of sectarianism], kill him, even though he may be under this headband of mine.[Nahjul balagha Sermon 126] Comment: From this sermon of hz ali(ra) we find that, the shian e dajjal will not be a majority. And the true lovers of Hz ali(ra) will be a majority. FIFTH SIGN: Abdullah ibn Ahmad narrated in his Sunnan(#1303): حدثني أبي حدثنا محمد بن فضيل حدثنا سالم يعني ابن أبي حفصة قال سألت أبا جعفر وجعفرا عن أبي بكر وعمر رضي الله عنهما فقالا يا سالم تولهما وأبرأ من عدوهما فإنما كانا أمامي هدى وقال لي جعفر يا سالم أبو بكر جدي أيسب الرجل جده قال وقال لي لا نالتني شفاعة محمد في القيامة إن لم اكن أتولهما وأبرأ من عدوهما From Salim ibn Abu Hafs: “I asked Abu Jafar and Jafar about Abu Bakr and Umar (may Allah be pleased with them). And they say: “O Salim, befriend to them, and dissolve from their enemies, indeed they were imams of guidance” And Jafar said to me: “O Salim, Abu Bakr is my grandfather, does man can abuse his grandfather? And may the intercession of Mohammad not reach me on the day of judgement, if I wouldn’t befriend with them, and wouldn’t dissolve from their enemies Comment: From this narration we find that the shian e dajjal will not consider Abubakar(ra) and Umar(ra) as Imams of Guidance. Unlike how Imams from ahlebayt used to consider them Imams of Guidance. لا يجتمع حب هؤلاء الأربعة إلا في قلب مؤمن: أبو بكر وعمر وعثمان وعلي رضي الله عنهما الراوي: أبو هريرة المحدث: البوصيري – المصدر: إتحاف الخيرة المهرة – الصفحة أو الرقم: 7/159 The Prophet PBUH said: The love of all four will not be found except in the heart of a believer: Abu Bakr and Umar and Uthman and Ali.[al-Bousiri said narrators are trustworthy in al-Ithaf 7/159] Comment: The last sign of shian e dajjal is that they will not love these four rightly guided caliphs collectively. Now the result we get after determining these narrations, is that the signs of shian e dajjal are: They exaggerate in the love of Ahlebayt Their call is towards Ahlebayt( but infact its not) They hate abubakar(ra) and umar(ra) They are not from the majority. Apart fro abusing Abubakar(ra) and Umar(ra), shian e dajjal will not consider Abubakar(ra) and Umar(ra) Imams of guidance. So we request every individual that, if unknowingly “all” of these signs are found in them then please sincerely repent before Allah. And try to save your hereafter. And join the majority(jamaah, Ahlesunnah) . Who don’t exaggerate in loving Ahlebayt, And they love all the four caliphs collectively.
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:00:48 +0000

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