Food, food, food, why oh why are you so damn - TopicsExpress


Food, food, food, why oh why are you so damn confusing......... Im sitting here typing this afternoon with no real direction, but with a strong desire to talk about food. Probably the most common question I get from patients is what should I eat??? I find that people are really confused about which diet to follow, should I avoid gluten?, is coffee bad for me?? Whilst I do my utmost to try and give the most accurate advice and direction, it really is the most COMPLEX area to try and advise when there are so many damn variables!! The truth is, all we really are are a reflection and manifestion of a combination of our genetics and our environment. Basically, we are dealt a card in life, care of our parents and grandparents, then what we do to nourish those genetics and nourish and treat our body ultimately determines whether or not we become unwell. When we talk about environmental factors, we are talking food, nutrition, toxins, stress, chemicals and how much or little of each of those we exposed to are beyond our control, however, most varaibles are in your control. YOU control what food goes in your mouth, you decide what type of products you use on your skin and around your home, and you decide how best to deal with your daily stressors that we all invariably face. I know many argue that eating well and buying organic/chemical free is expensive, and to some extent I do agree. But the way I look at it is not just in the here and now, (oops I just spent $130 on organic fruit this afternoon myself) but I KNOW this WILL save me money in the future. And what better prize for investing in your health in the here and now, than to set yourself up for a disease free, healthier future. How often do you check in with yourself? How far off your health track have you veered? When was the last time you took note of how much you are asking of your body and not expecting something to give? Life is hard, life is complex and multi faceted, this day and age is fast paced, quick fix, no time to stop, too busy. There is a pill for every ailment, natural and medical, when did we suddenly forget about the importance of good food and when did lose sight of what;s really important? FOOD IS MEDICINE. eat crap, feel like crap, eat well, feel well. The tricky thing is ones definition of well, and therein lies the complexity of this issue of nutrition. I honestly believe the answer is so simple. Cut out the crap. If it is processed, dont eat it. Eat REAL food that nature has provided us with. Our bodies are a factory of millions of chemical reactions that govern our brain, nervous system, neurotransmitter function, eliminate waste and balance hormones. The things that control these reactions are minerals and micronutrients. B vitamins, iodine and omega 3s protect our nerve lining, antioxidants support pathways in the liver to remove toxins, calcium and magnesium trigger nerve impulses to contract and relax muscles, iron transports the oxygen around in our blood to keep us alive and breathing. NOWHERE in the body do we require additives, preserves, rancid oils, greasy chips, soft drink or white bread to initiate or facilitate ANY bodily functions or processes. Isnt that reason enough to eat well and avoid the junk?? Your diet, in a nutshell, should consist of fresh, organic fruits and veg (9 cups per day, every colour in the rainbow), include raw foods, if you eat meat, choose grass fed and organic/free range, fish and seafood, seaweed, eggs, nuts and seeds including quinoa, good fats in the form of coconut oils, avocados oily fish and nuts. Avoid dairy and grains as much as possible with the exception of some organic butter, legumes occasionally. Feed your body with the fuel it needs. Processed foods lead to inflammation, hormone imbalance, low energy, affected nervous system, disease, allergies and digestive problems. Forget what you have been taught in the last 20 years. Fat is good, grains can potentially cause more harm that good, fruit and veg are paramount and limit the packets. How do you all feel about that??
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 05:13:19 +0000

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