For all practical purposes and by practical I mean economic, - TopicsExpress


For all practical purposes and by practical I mean economic, Scotland splitting from the UK appears to hold more long-term benefit for the rest of the UK (rUK or rump if you like) than the Scots, who appear to be thinking emotionally rather than rationally. As a political move, the referendum has already achieved its main goal, which is further devolution of rights and autonomy, due to the last-minute capitulation of the previously somnolent southerners to more powers to the North (however cynical); but Alex Salmonds insistence on maintaining a currency union with sterling indicates he doesnt really want full independence, just to have his cake and eat it too. Many Scots supporting the Yes vote seem to have missed the inherent contradiction in this position, remaining blinded by traditional dislike of the English and an historical sense of injustice. Compounding the political confusion is the partisan distaste for the Tories, who unfortunately for the No campaigners, happen to be in power at the moment. Add to this mixture of feeling over facts, the youth of of eligible voters, whose understanding of the long-term implications of their vote is debatable. All in all, the incompetence and hubris of our current crop of politicians, on both sides of the issue, have created a senseless exercise in brinkmanship that is already costing a lot of grief and may well cause even more, should the yes vote triumph. Having said that, the temptation to stick one to the current political establishment and stir up the system, at its core, is a big attraction to anyone with a rebellious heart, so I await the outcome of the referendum with mixed feelings. - money.cnn/2014/09/09/news/scotland-independence-referendum/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:00:13 +0000

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