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For all those questions in the back of everybodys mind: What exactly is Aplastic Anemia anyway? Bone Marrow First thing to understand bone marrow failure is to even know what bone marrow is. Bone marrow you could so call the Factory of making cells. The bone marrow has stem cells which are premature cells that can develop into any cell. Typically the main three cells produced are the major components of blood. Red blood cells which carries oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. Platelets which help prevent bleeding , and also to help blood to clot. White blood cells which will help fight off infections of which are caused by fungi,bacteria, and parasites. Bone Marrow Failure Really what is occurring with bone marrow failure is where your stem cells are not developing into cells. In some cases a few stem cells will not work , while in others you may have none working. In any case this causes your body to not have the needs to keep up with normal everyday life. This can cause and develop problems. Overall your blood will become thin. Problems Lacking cells Low Platelets Having low platelets is known as Thrombocytopenia. Not having enough platelets can cause your blood to not clot. This can also allow the chance to bleed out. Low platelets will cause your nose and gums to bleed. Bruising easy is another symptom of low platelets. Blood vessels will break and allow blood to flow in your skin, also known as Petechiae. To temporarily treat low platelets, they usually will give a transfusion of them. Low Red Blood Cells Having a low amount of red blood cells is also known Anemia. Being anemic also means you will have a low hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is a protein that is contained in red blood cells that carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body , and releases the oxygen to give energy to do functions.(Metabolism) Being anemic you may feel tired since you have a Hemoglobin deficiency. You may also feel very fatigued. Sometimes you may lose color in your face and look more pale. Being out of breath is a major symptom of Anemia. A major thing that needs to be monitored if being Anemic is heart function. May cause or worsen your heart problems. Anemia can be treated with blood transfusion , but be careful for you may have develop iron overload(body absorbs to much iron). Low White Blood Cells Having a low amount of white blood cells is called Neutropenia. Having low amount of white blood cells can cause your body to be more susceptible to get infections. Most people who are Neutropenic have to live life in cautious ways to prevent getting infections. Not many will go out into large crowds and if so wear masks when going out. Washing hands is a big thing to prevent getting infection. They cant eat raw foods and if they do they have to wash the foods really good. They also cant food past 24 hours of making it. Ways to treat Neutropenia is to either take a white blood cell stimulant like Filgrastim and Neulasta or getting a Granulocyte(white blood cell) transfusion. Now Granulocyte transfusions can be risky so they are usually used as a last hope option. Low Cells Now having all your cells being low is called Pancytopenia. This could be another way saying your Neutropenic,Anemic, and Thrombocytopenic. Pancytopenia could also be used instead of bone marrow failure. Bone marrow failure is either the lack of producing cells or (Hemolysis)the destruction of cells. What causes Bone Marrow Failure? Bone Marrow Failure is hard to determine sometimes what causes it. The two big causes is Genetics and Hemolysis. Sometimes it can occur idiopathically while other it can be caused by both Genetically and Hemolytically. Genetic mutation is the usual cause in genetics for Bone marrow failure. Common occuring bone marrow failures is caused by chemotherapy.Infections can cause your bone marrow to fail also. Bone Marrow Failure Treatments There really isnt a cure to bone marrow failure. Their is only a remission statement but could always relapse and come back in the future. There are many treatments ,but depending on what caused the marrow to fail depends on what treatments you can do. immune suppressant is a treatment to help kinda reboot your immune system. Stimulants can help try to produce your cells and keep your bone marrow to try to work on its own. Then You have medicines that can help with specific problems. The only true cure is a bone marrow transplant ,but its super risky to do that not many call it a cure but it has been a cure for us not just once but twice Examples of Bone Marrow Failure Diseases: Fanconi Anemia Aplastic Anemia PNH Dyskeratois Congenita
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 03:51:23 +0000

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