For millions of illegal immigrants, a mix of celebration and deep - TopicsExpress


For millions of illegal immigrants, a mix of celebration and deep disappointment ....There were also scenes of deep disappointment, especially among groups of Latina women known as “dreamer moms,” whose children were among about 600,000 legalized by Obama in a 2012 program but were not included in his new action as grounds for legalizing parents. “It’s a small bandage for a large wound,” said Maria Reyes, 68, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who lives near Oakland, Calif. She was waiting outside the White House on Thursday evening after fasting there for several days. Although her two children were granted deportation relief through the 2012 “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” program, they will not be able to confer legal status on her..... ...Mario Juarez, 40, a painter from Honduras, spent Thursday in a parking lot in Arlington, Va., hoping a contractor would come along in a van to offer him a day’s wages. Around him were a dozen other men in thick jackets and scuffed workboots, many of whom had been working in the United States for years and yet knew they had no hope of deportation relief. “I’m happy for all those families who will be able to stay together now, but there are a lot of guys like me who came with the same dream. Now we’re being left out,” said Juarez, who has spent the past 12 years working odd construction jobs and sending money back home to his wife and three children..... washingtonpost/local/millions-of-illegal-immigrants-await-news-with-mix-of-excitement-anxiety-confusion/2014/11/20/e80cf650-70fe-11e4-8808-afaa1e3a33ef_story.html
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 11:33:12 +0000

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