For some reason God gets the bad name and Satan has become a - TopicsExpress


For some reason God gets the bad name and Satan has become a crutch for those that feel life hasnt gone the way they want. The bible is very specific. It says that it rains on the just and the unjust.Also that Satan is the master of lies. There is no truth in him. Also people say religion starts war. Which can be true but that applys to satanism and radical muslims. Christianity is not religion its simply following Christ to the best of your abilities. so if u treat your neighbors like u want to be treated and even forgive your enemies then life would be 100 times better and that doesnt mean u dont defend yourself either. U always defend family and friends when neccessary. People think that Christians are weak but thats simply not true. The toughest men on the planet are christians. Examples George Foreman, Josh Hamilton, and someone most people never heard of: Sam Childers AKA machine gun Preacher. Since 1998 he has been in dozens of battles in South Nigeria and all around war zones in Africa. There is also a large bounty on his head yet he keeps going in to save those African children from the blood diamond militias and putting them in his adoption homes and he is rich by no means at all yet every penny donated or earned goes to the children for housing , ammunition, food , schooling and thats tough. Hitler for example was extremly weak he hid behind an army, killed his own people just under suspicion and he killed himself when the time came for him to man up when the American Heroes invaded his lakeside hideout. We can even go back to the bible, King David, Johnathon, Joshua , Moses, and ofcourse Jesus who laid his life down for us even with no evidence against him. He was tortured worse then anybody and went through the most painful crucifiction to save us from our sins just by accepting him and his offering into our hearts.on other history Lincoln was murdered for freeing the slaves, Kennedy was murdered because he fought for absolute freedom for the people and not for big government. Obama is weak, he is a liar, he is lawless and destroying our freedoms by dismantling the constitution. he has even stated that we are no longer a christian nation but a muslim nation which is ridiculous and dangerous. George Washington warned us when he said once we walk away from God our nation will fall and the more our nation strays from God and trys to patch it up with bigger government the more we fall and the more violent things have gotten. When we pledged the flag under God and prayed in schools they were safe but as soon as the govt took God out of schools major violence started. Then they blame it on God. Dont u Know God granted us free will and doesnt force himself upon anyone or go where he is not wanted.Gods will is always done but its not always what we want. Do we see repetitive things happening here or are we ignoring or lying to ourselves about it.The time is upon us to accept Jesus and to be unselfish and fight for eachother and against the true enemy rather then against the innocent.
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 19:22:37 +0000

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