For those of you that know me you know that I am the girl who - TopicsExpress


For those of you that know me you know that I am the girl who believes with my whole heart that IF YOU CAN DREAM IT YOU CAN DO IT! I preach this to my kids everyday! However, three years ago when my then 9 year old son Cole Timmons told me that he wanted to not just play hockey but be on a hockey team I couldnt believe my ears when the first thing that came out of my mouth was... You cant. See, Cole hadnt even ever been on ice skates at this point! Youth hockey in Colorado is tough and these kids literally start playing as soon as they can walk and hold a stick! He came back at me with I want to and Im going to. In my mind I thought.. Ok, we will entertain this phase until he quits. His dad got him into to private lessons just so he could learn how to skate. Cole went to camps, early morning ice times, and MORE lessons! In a few short months believe it or not he was ready to try out for his first team and he made it on! He wasnt the best player and he spent a lot of time learning how to bounce off the ice:) but he stuck with it!! So now three years later, bruises, broken sticks, $$$ equipment, practice, early .. VERY early games and most of all a PASSION for something he loved, Cole reminded me that You Cant was a stupid thing to say to a boy with a dream! He pulled off his very first hat trick plus 2! For you non hockey fans this means that he not only got three goals in a row but two more on top of that! He received the game puck and taught me to practice what I preach! Well done Cole! Your momma is proud that you never gave up on your dream and you had the best game YET! I cant wait to see what you achieve next!!xoxoxox
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 00:38:07 +0000

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