For those of you who saw the video in the UK on the Channel4 news - TopicsExpress


For those of you who saw the video in the UK on the Channel4 news called: "The first british fighter to die in Syria": Our canadian brother, Abu Muslim who participated in that video got shahada. He was killed during the attack of Mennagh Air base just a few days ago. A brother from canada who made hijrah to syria to fight jihad with jaysh al-muhajirin wal ansar. He was just married, not even 5 months in to his marriage, but it did not stop him or made him lag behind in fighting for the sake of Allah. May Allaah azza wa jall Accept Abu Muslim, Allaahumma Ameen. A message, an invitation, and an advice from a brother. As salamu alaykum wa rahmahtullahi wa barakatahu, my brothers and sisters in Islam. I start of by praising Allah for all thanks and praise belongs to him and is due to him, and i bear witness that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad PBUH is his slave and messenger. We ask Allah to send his peace and blessings uppon Him PBUH and his family, and companions. to proceed dear brothers and sisters: Many of you talk much about political things, such as what is happening in syria and afghanistan, debating much over things which you have little to no knowledge, so i suppose i will start here: my message here is to stop talking about such things, and go do actions. why? because one of the biggest problems in the ummah today is that we talk to much. we talk about dawah but dont give it all that much, or all that well except for a few of us. we talk about jihad but how many have actually gone? we all have ideas but nothing materialized because we are lazy, not proactive in serving Allah, and in turn because of that we have become slaves to our whims and desires. we work for money, for the kuffar, for a good house and comfortable life. this was not the way of the sahabah. they worked for Allah. if you do not work for Allah you will end up working for the dunya. this is a sunnah of Allah. you will take one path or the other. I was inspired to make this message because i just read some threads on syria and because i actually am fighting in syria at the moment i got quite offended at what some members said regarding the fighting here and what they said about mujahadien. im not talking about what the munafaqeen say because munafaqeen are worse then the donkey that lives behind my HQ but im talking about geniune members (as i see them, Allah knows best) who are speaking ignorance without fact checking. i understand its hard to verify information when your not in the feild so maybe when you dont know, its better to be silent, because you not going to be asked about a word which you did not speak (or type). this is an open invitation to come help the muslims in ash sham. an islmic state is being bred here and you all are living like asif its some ordinary thing. have any of you realized that there is not one single person alive today who has seen the khalifa? and yet its just around the bend. with mujahadien unified from mali to afghanistan, with a physical link between them the only thing left to do is struggle a little more, persevere a little more, and fight a little more and we will have our state back. you are all missing out on big historical moments. this is not a small thing and i cannot put it itnto words how signifigant it is to have towns here in syria willingly use shariah law as their way. there is no stick to beat the people with because nobody wants a law other then the law of Allah except the munafaqeen and kuffar. yesterday an islamic state was declared, and this passed by muslims like flowing water. what has happened to your hearts dear brothers? do you even care about the suffering of the muslims here, or in yeman, somalia, mali, lybia, algeria, lebanon, iraq, chechniya, afghanistan, bosnia or albania? our blood is watering the soil for the new khilafa to grow from. i swear by the one who created the heavans and the earths, and who created Muhammad S.A.W. that you are all missing out on such a massive scale that only Allah can comprehend what you have lost. you dont know tawukkul untill a tank shell blows up a meter infront of your face and you live. or when a snipers bullet hits a brother in the neck, but did not even penetrate his skin. its a muttawater hadith here in sham about our enemies seeing the angels killing their comrades and i myself have heard the angels give takbir. where are the muslims? my brothers the good news is that the doors here in sham are still wide open, so make haste and take advantage of it while its still open. this is my advice to you brothers. and glad tidings to the sincere because Allah promises to protect the muhajir. if one is sincere with Allah, Allah will be sincere with him. make niyah and act uppon it. stop talking and be proactive for Allahs deen. stop living an idealistic islam and go experiance reality a little bit. islam is not all about books, actually the books are a means to practice. the caravan is almost full so make sure your spots are reserved and dont allow yourself to be left behind. one moment in the path of Allah is better then the earth and everything in it and i bear witness to the truth of this hadith. We ask Allah to guide us, to help us, to make the path easy, to use us and save us from the punnishment of the grave. we ask Allah to raise us up with the anbiya, the sadiqeen, the shuhadah and the righteous. we ask Allah to save us from the trials on the day of judgement. we ask Allah to bless the mujahadien and grant them steadfastness. we ask Allah to grant us shahadah. we ask Allah almight to grant us the blessing of witnessing the khilafa back in action. we ask Allah almighty to help our women and children and to grant the opressed freedom and sabr and we ask Allah to defeat the enimies of Allah where ever they may be and to curse them with the hellfire. may Allah purify us. i ask Allah to make my words have an impact on you all, and i ask Alah to accept me as a shaheed, and i ask Allah to make whoever reads this a witness for my on the day of judgement. Ameen.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 17:43:14 +0000

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