For those that are friends with Star West and Zia Taylor this is - TopicsExpress


For those that are friends with Star West and Zia Taylor this is an update for July 20th on her health. The overall swelling in her brain has gone down a little, but underlying swelling underneath has surfaced. In that sense she has shown that she will take even longer for the swelling in her brain to go down. To explain the severity of this, an average stroke (if there is such a thing) will have about 3 to 4 days of swelling before they can break the clots that can can other strokes. For Zia, she has had six days of swelling with another ten days of projected swelling in her brain that needs to go down before they can even consider breaking up the clots. If they break them up any sooner than that will kill her outright. She also has clots in every artery in her neck. Some of the arteries have already closed up. The body is trying to compensate, but this is also a major concern as it is poses a concern of potentially starving the brain of oxygen and for future strokes as the wait for the swelling to go down. Some of these clots are big enough that they can kill her outright by themselves when they eventually break free. It is a very dangerous situation by itself even if she never had the stroke. She has shown little improvement today and it is still unknown the extent of the damage due to the severity of the stroke. Please keep her in your prayers and wishes. In reference to the three base questions in the comments below here are the answers: Where are Grace and Pooky? They are staying with Zias son Draven and her grandson. Her fiance is helping out all that he can as these two little hairy people are extensions of Zia and are the most precious parts that are still in Zias family. They are depressed and are getting extra attention as they know she is missing and also need to know they are loved. In reference to the light therapy. Due to the severity of stroke, there is nothing that can be done until the swelling goes down in her brain. A normal stroke will impact a small area of the brain (roughly 5 to 10% of the brain area), Zias stroke has affected roughly 50% of her brain. Light stimulation and any other experimental therapy at this point is not ideal as she is still too close to the danger zone health wise. The mention of coconut oil. Zia has been presented in the past with alternative healing medicine by groups such as KISS. She embraced this form of healing to the extent that she would not see a doctor or take anything man made (including aspirin). She believed that her body could heal anything. If she would have had a general practicing doctor seeing her over the past 4 years they would have been able to identify many of the physical symptoms that she has had as signs of a stroke and likely could have prevented this. Perhaps the greatest tragedy in this is that the ICU doctor admitted that if she should would have taken 1 aspirin a day every day that the level of problems in her arteries and her stroke never would have happened. Coconut oil may have some major advantages, but she should never have rejected modern medicine and ignored some of the most basic needs that could have saved her from this. Currently, there is a lot of hope she will get better, but the reality in this is that her health is not promising. The next 10 days will likely define if she lives or dies, but at this point it is not promising. Word of note to whoever told her that aspirin was bad and man made. Aspirin is derived from St. Johns Wart and is used as a blood thinner. It was this specific advice and the advice of her to drink and eat more salt that directly put her in this situation. When she was admitted she had high salt levels that essentially tripled her chances in having a stroke and also had a direct impact in the severity of the stroke.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:08:05 +0000

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